[Asis-l] 23 March: Dr Mansourian leads research session in SL

Sheila Webber S.Webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Mon Mar 21 20:28:35 EDT 2011

On Wednesday 23rd March 12 noon Second Life time (same as Pacific time, 7pm UK
time, see http://tinyurl.com/6hcltz5 for other times) Dr Yazdan Mansourian
(Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran) will be introducing his
"information visibility" model of information searching. This is a one hour

After his introduction we will be discussing: Mansourian, Y., Ford, N., Webber,
S. and Madden, A. (2008). "An integrative model of 'information visibility' and
'information seeking' on the Web". Program, 42 (4), 402-417. (abstract only is
free, see e.g. http://dis.shef.ac.uk/sheila/mansourianCILR2008.pdf for more
open access information) 
Then we will visit the 3D version of Dr Mansourian's model.

The venue is the virtual world, Second Life at 
You need a SL avatar and the SL browser on your computer to participate. 

Sheila Webber
Senior Lecturer, Information School, University of Sheffield, 
211 Portobello Street, Sheffield S1 4DP, UK
0114 222 2641
s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk
The information literacy weblog - http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/
Twitter: sheilayoshikawa; Facebook & Linked-In: Sheila Webber
Sheila Yoshikawa (SL) blog: http://adventuresofyoshikawa.blogspot.com/

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