[Asis-l] Journal club in Second Life: Feb 2nd next meeting (Corrall paper)
Sheila Webber
S.Webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Fri Jan 28 10:54:52 EST 2011
The next meeting of the journal club that takes place in the virtual world
Second Life (SL) is on 2nd February 2011, at 12 noon SL time (which is the same
as US pacific time, see http://tinyurl.com/5vn8su3 for times elsewhere).
We will be discussing Corrall, S. (2007). "Benchmarking strategic engagement
with information literacy in higher education: towards a working model".
Information Research, 12 (4) http://informationr.net/ir/12-4/paper328.html
(open access article, free to all). Discussion will be led by Pancha Enzyme.
It's helpful if you have read the paper but Pancha will start by highlighting
key points.
The venue is on Infolit iSchool in SL (you need a SL avatar and the SL browser
installed, to participate)
This is a short video about the last Journal Club meeting at
This is a Sheffield University Centre for Information Literacy Research event.
Sheila Webber
Senior Lecturer, Information School, University of Sheffield,
211 Portobello Street, Sheffield S1 4DP, UK
0114 222 2641
s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk
The information literacy weblog - http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/
Twitter: sheilayoshikawa; Facebook & Linked-In: Sheila Webber
Sheila Yoshikawa (SL) blog: http://adventuresofyoshikawa.blogspot.com/
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