[Asis-l] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Seeking U.S. rep for working group for revision of ISO 21127:2006 -- A reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information
Mark H Needleman
mneedlem at ufl.edu
Mon Feb 7 11:02:00 EST 2011
FYI in case anyone from the ASIST membership would like to be nominated
to work on this
Mark Needleman
ASIST Standards Committee
NISO members of the TC46 Ballot group have voted to approve a new
project to revise ISO 21127:2006, Information and documentation -- A
reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information.
Because we are voting to approve the new project, we are required to
identify an expert from the U.S. to work on this revision project, if
the final result is an approval. (I expect it to be approved.) We did
not receive any names to work on this project so I am asking all of you
now if you can identify someone with some expertise in this area who
would be willing to work on this project. The working groups generally
do their work through conference calls and e-mail. This particular
standard gets a lot of input from the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model
(CRM) group and there is already a working draft of the revision
prepared, so this project should not be as time-consuming as some.
Please reply to me via email by Wednesday, February 9 with the name and
contact information for anyone you would like to nominate to be on this
working group.
Thank you.
Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Email: chodgson at niso.org
Phone: 301-654-2512
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