Monroe, Wanda G.
wmonroe at email.unc.edu
Fri Dec 16 21:31:54 EST 2011
GREETINGS from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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FALL 2011
Building a Bridge to Literacy
As a teacher and head librarian in the hills of Virginia, Dr. Sandra Hughes-Hassell (Ph.D. '98), professor and director of SILS School Library Media Program, was excited to learn she would be moving to the big city of Philadelphia, PA in 1994 to direct the Philadelphia Library Power project. After all, the Library Power project focused on providing resources and support for all learners in schools, both children and adults, thus allowing them to be better users of ideas and information. It was also one of the projects administered by the Philadelphia Education Fund, an organization "dedicated to improving the quality of public education for underserved youth throughout the Philadelphia region."
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant Supports Digital Forensics Work for Collecting Institutions The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) has received a grant for $600,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a project that creates and analyzes systems for archivists, librarians and other information professionals to incorporate digital forensics methods.
The Summer Seminar to London
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) and the Department of Information Studies, University College London (UCL) invite you on a journey to the literary, academic and cultural capital of England by attending our international summer seminar entitled, "British Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present and Future." The 2012 seminar will be offered May 20, 2012 - June 2, 2012.
Registration now open for international summer seminar in Prague University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) is pleased to announce its summer international program in Prague for 2012.
Men of the Stacks calendar gains worldwide attention for a good cause In just two months, over 1,000 copies of the "Men of the Stacks" calendar have been sold with $18,000 raised for a good cause. The calendar features photos of male librarians with proceeds from the sales to the It Gets Better ProjectT, a program that inspires young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to keep their heads up in spite of bullying.
SILS Kicks-Off Its 80th Anniversary with Tailgate, Lectures, Events and Fun!
The School of Information and Library Science kicked off its 80th anniversary with a tailgate barbecue on September 17, 2011, the same day the School first held classes in 1931. More than 120 alumni, faculty, students, staff and friends attended the event that was held on the lawn in front of Manning Hall.
>From Dewey Decimal to Twitter - School of Information and Library Science celebrates 80 years of building our information future!
Since its beginning 80 years ago, the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) has focused on educating those who organize, research, locate, preserve and share information in its many forms for its many audiences with an emphasis on the user's experience. The aim has been, and still is, to produce leaders who will shape the future of information in all contexts, and to investigate and develop information theories and practices that lead to higher levels of prosperity, equity and understanding. What was especially relevant and important in the 20th century was demonstrated in this world-renowned School. In the 21st century, just as librarians transitioned from catalogs to online databases and servers, SILS has transitioned from a program that educated only librarians to one that leads the way in the digital domain. While the School will always educate leaders who move into the world's libraries, archives and cultural institutions; today SILS also educates leaders in corporate, government and business settings who manage and preserve information in all its forms. Graduates move into new fields such as social media strategy, health informatics, cyber and Internet security, Web development, database design and more.
LifeTime Library thought to be the first nationwide The LIFETIME LIBRARY will provide digital storage throughout a graduate's lifetime. How often have you asked yourself, "What did I do with that report I presented during my days at the university? Did I save it on my laptop, on a CD, to my cellphone or is it on a computer I no longer have?" Or after graduating, have you sadly remembered that you saved a special photo in your folder on the university's server only to realize it was now gone forever? Now imagine keeping those items all together and staying permanently connected to your university with the gift of digital storage throughout your lifetime. For the first time, that wish will come true for students entering the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill through a new project called the LifeTime Library.
Carolina researchers tapped to develop national data infrastructure The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is leading a new effort to address key data challenges facing scientific researchers in the digital age. The National Science Foundation has awarded nearly $8 million over five years to the DataNet Federation Consortium, a group that spans seven universities, to build and deploy a prototype national data management infrastructure. About half the award will support research and development at UNC.
UNC launch of Digital Innovation Lab involves SILS professor and students Dr. Richard Marciano, professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, co-founder and former executive director of the Data Intensive Cyber Environments (DICE) Center, affiliated professor in American studies and director of Sustainable Archives and Leveraging Technologies (SALT) is now co-founder and co-director of a new virtual lab that will encourage collaborative, interdisciplinary and innovative digital humanities projects.
CHIP Certificates in Clinical Information Science Awarded The first certificates in Clinical Information Science (CIS) have been awarded by the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS). The students who received the CIS certificates are Emily Pfaff, Ashraf Farrag and Dr. Rich Medlin. In keeping with CHIP's mission to provide an information technology foundation to professionals interested in designing and implementing systems to improve health care and services, the CIS certificate program offers training focused on clinical systems analysis, data management and clinical decision-making.
Digital Forensics with Dr. Christopher (Cal) Lee Dr. Christopher (Cal) Lee is not a police officer, nor is he a lawyer or in the criminal justice field, but he is an information practitioner. He studies and helps others to understand digital forensics - defined by Rodney McKemmish as "the process of identifying, preserving, analysing...
StorySquad Initiative Opens Ideas
As part of an ongoing literacy and engagement outreach endeavor, Brian Sturm, associate professor, takes his storytelling class students into the community to share folktales from around the world. His class visits area schools and libraries to share stories with children, and they visit senior centers and other cultural institutions - such as the Morehead Planetarium and the Wilson Library - to share stories with families.
SILS Shines at ASIS&T Annual Meeting
The School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill had a shining representation at the annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology that was held in New Orleans, LA on October 9 - 11. From organizing post-conference seminars and workshops, to participating on panels, making presentations, presenting posters and winning awards, the School was well-represented by students and faculty.
Dean Marchionini to be featured on "North Carolina People"
Dean Gary Marchionini will be the featured guest in an upcoming episode of North Carolina People, UNC-TV's longest-running program. The show is hosted by William Friday, former president of the University system, who interviews "a range of interesting North Carolinians, engaging the Tar Heel State's best thinkers, writers, politicians, educators, athletes, entertainers and other newsmakers..." Previous broadcasts have included interviews with special guests ranging from Andy Griffith to Charles Kuralt, Roy Williams and Billy Graham to name just a few.
SILS Students Travel to Nations' Capitol Students of UNC's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) traveled to Washington, D.C. for the annual student trip. During fall break, October 19th-22nd, over 20 students toured the nation's capital and its outstanding museums and libraries. Sites visited included the Folger Shakespeare Library, the National Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, the African Art Library, the National Public Radio (NPR) Library and more.
Story-Steinfirst Scholarships provide opportunities for SILS students Thanks to the generosity of Gene Story, friend of the School and husband of the late Dr. Susan Steinfirst, four deserving students had the burden of their tuition eased with the very first award of the Susan Steinfirst/Gene Story Scholarship.
Habitat for Humanity Build-A-Block Dedication On September 18, 2011, UNC students, faculty and staff gathered for the dedication of ten new homes constructed over the past year as part of the Build-A-Block project. These homes were built for UNC staff and Hospital employees and their families and were the product of 7,052 hours of labor by 1,400 members of the University community.
ibiblio contributes to North Carolina and the global community Continuously contributing to the local and state communities via electronic access, ibiblio.org is one of the world's first Web sites and largest "collections of collections" on the Internet. It is a conservancy of freely available information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics and cultural studies.
SILS builds initial Web site - provides server space for North Carolina Parks System In the mid-1990s North Carolina State Parks became one of the first in the county to host a state parks Web site thanks in part to a class assignment at SILS.
New resource on scholarships and grants for under-represented students added to the SILS Web site Information about scholarships and grants for under-represented students enrolled in information and library science courses is now available in on the SILS Web site.
CurateGear: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections January 6, 2012 - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Friday Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CurateGear: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections The DigCCurr 2012 Public Symposium Presents CurateGear! a highly interactive day-long event focused on digital curation tools and methods.
Should Librarians Care About Privacy Anymore? A Webinar February 3, 2012 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 08 Peabody Hall, UNC Chapel Hill Mark your calendar for a special SILS 80th Anniversary presentation that will be held as a meeting and a webinar. Co-hosted with the UNC School of Law, the event will feature guest speaker, Barbara Jones, Director of the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom.
Information Session - Bachelor of Science in Information Science - Pizza served!
February 8, 2012 - 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Manning Hall Room 208
Did you know that students graduating from the School of Information and Library Science
(SILS) with a Bachelor's degree had the highest rate of employment at UNC (85.7 percent)? Recruiters from various organizations stop by SILS before our students graduate from the program.
The OCLC/Frederick G. Kilgour Lecture in Information Science - featuring Jay Jordan, OCLC President March 26, 2012 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Location: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library http://sils.unc.edu/events/2012/oclc-kilgour-lecture-jay-jordan
DigCCurr Professional Institute: Curation Practices for the Digital Object Lifecycle May 20, 2012 (All day) - May 25, 2012 (All day)
Location: UNC Chapel Hill
Save the Date! Registration Open Soon
Information Professionals (IP) 2050 Conference June 5, 2012 - 9:00am - 4:30pm
Location: William and Ida Friday Center Featuring international leaders in Information and Library Science http://sils.unc.edu/events/2012/ip-2050-conf
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks - Call for Papers The 2012 International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems & Network brings together researchers and practitioners working on policy-based systems across a wide range of application domains including policy-based networking, privacy, trust and security management, autonomic computing, pervasive systems and enterprise systems. This year, the symposium will be held in Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
SILS and EPA Library Welcomes Thea Allen
SILS at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill welcomes Thea Allen (MSLS '07), who joined the United States Environmental Protection Agency Library in Research Triangle Park as Interlibrary Loan/Cataloging Librarian on October 17, 2011.
International Scholars Bring Diverse Perspectives to SILS
SILS is a multicultural place, and nowhere is SILS' commitment to bringing diverse perspectives to our intellectual community more evident than in the range of international scholars, both visiting scholars and research collaborators, who are currently spending time working with faculty sponsors at Manning Hall.
State Librarian and Distinguished Alumna, Mary L. Boone, to retire
North Carolina State Librarian Mary L. Boone (MSLS '73), SILS distinguished alumna and chair of the SILS Board of Visitors, will retire from the State Library in January of 2012. Boone has held her position as state librarian since 2005.
Library of Congress article hails Dr. Helen Tibbo Digital Preservation Pioneer
Just a few days after Dr. Helen Tibbo, alumni distinguished professor at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, served as one of the expert instructors and content developers educating new trainers in the Library of Congress' first national train-the-trainer workshop on teaching digital preservation, The Signal - Digital Preservation publication of the Library of Congress published an article titled, "Digital Preservation Pioneer: Helen Tibbo."
John Ulmschneider selected SILS Distinguished Alumnus
John Ulmschneider (MSLS '77) university librarian and professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries, has been selected as a SILS distinguished alumnus for 2011. Ulmschneider, who will be the guest speaker for the SILS Fall commencement ceremony on December 18th, was recommended through nominations by several of his fellow alumni.
SILS alumnus, David Iberkleid: On a mission to provide access to the Latino community
It was the normal volunteering thing to do, share information about computing through the Community Workshop Series offered by Davis Library of UNC at Chapel Hill. It was through this effort that SILS alumnus, David Iberkleid (MSIS '10) found his calling - helping the many Latino families in the local community to learn how to access needed information.
Dr. Rob Capra Co-Organizes - Dean Marchionini Delivers Keynote Address at HCIR 2011 at Google
Dr. Rob Capra, assistant professor at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS), recently co-organized the Fifth Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR), which took place at Google's main campus in Mountain View, California.
Dr. Diane Kelly Edits "Interactive Information Seeking, Behaviour and Retrieval"
The latest addition to the School of Information and Library Science's (SILS) list of faculty book publications is Interactive Information Seeking, Behaviour, and Retrieval, co-edited by Dr. Diane Kelly and Dr. Ian Ruthven (University of Strathclyde, UK).
Dr. Christopher (Cal) Lee edits book, "I, Digital"
E-mails, bookmarks, blog entries and digital photos are just a few examples of personal digital collections, the sum total of an individual's born-digital materials that they create and then decide to keep. Since our collections of digital materials are becoming ever more various and complex, how should they be archived effectively?
"The integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS 3.0) Micro-service Workbook" now available
"The integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS 3.0) Micro-service Workbook" is a new workbook self-published by the Data Intensive Cyberinfrastructure Foundation and authored by Jewel Ward (SILS doctoral student); Michael Wan, Wayne Schroeder, Arcot Rajasekar, Antoine de Torcy, Terrell Russell (SILS PHD '11), Hao Xu and Reagan W. Moore.
Paul Jones wins 2011 IBM Faculty Award
Paul Jones, director of ibiblio and clinical associate professor at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) and the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, has received a 2011 IBM Faculty Award for $15,000.
Drs. Cal Lee and Kam Woods Represent SILS at UK Digital Preservation Hack-a-thon
As digital collections increase in volume and sophistication, tools to manage and sometimes automate their preservation must accordingly become more sophisticated, too. But since preservation actions are often quite idiosyncratic to the institutions in which they take place, there is still often a frustrating gap between the digital preservation toolkit and its deployment in varying circumstances http://sils.unc.edu/news/2011/lee-woods-uk-hackathon
ASIS&T's highest honor goes to Dr. Gary Marchionini
Dr. Gary Marchionini, dean and Cary C. Boshamer Distinguished Professor at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been selected to receive the Award of Merit, the highest honor presented by the American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T).
Dr. Jerry Saye, former SILS Professor, receives award from the University of Ljubljana
Former School of Information and Library Science professor Dr. Jerry Saye has been presented with a special award from the University of Ljubljana on November 29, 2011. Dr. Saye was presented with the "Pro universitate labacensis" award "for special merit for advancing the development of our university," according to Dr. Alenka Šauperl (Ph.D. '99), a SILS alumna and professor in the Department of Library and Information Science at the university.
Former SILS faculty member, Dr. David Carr, publishes new book
Former faculty member, Dr. David Carr, who retired from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) in 2010, has published his latest book, Open Conversations: Public Learning in Libraries and Museums through Libraries Unlimited.
Josh Rice, BSIS Student, member of National Championship-Winning Men's Soccer Team
The entire UNC at Chapel Hill community is proud of the Division I men's soccer team victory at the NCAA national championship on December 11, but the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) is especially proud that one of its own was on the winning team.
Student maps career path with ESOPI-21
Master's candidate Brooks Jonathan Breece ("Jon") has always been fascinated with maps and geospatial models. Even at a young age, he was drawn to maps and the ability to find his way. His first merit badge in Boy Scouts, while on his way to earning the Eagle Scout award, was the Orienteering merit badge. Growing up outside Washington, D.C., he also had a great desire to go into government service. In 2009, two of his life-long interests collided when he was selected for an Educating Stewards of Public Information in the 21st Century Project (ESOPI-21) fellowship.
SILS Ph.D. Candidate Wins ASIS&T Dissertation Proposal Award
Amber Cushing, doctoral candidate at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has received the 2011 Thomson Reuters Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award.
Doctoral student, Amanda B. Click, receives George Atiyeh Prize
Doctoral student and ELIME-21 fellow, Amanda B. Click, has been awarded the George Atiyeh Prize.
SILS doctoral student, Felix Portnoy, receives award
Felix Portnoy, doctoral student at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS), is the recipient of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Student Member with Honors Award.
MSLS Student Tali Beesley Wins Digital Library Federation Fellowship
The School of Information and Library Science (SILS) is pleased to announce that Tali Beesley, a second year Library Science Master's student, won a scholarship to attend the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum earlier this month.
Information Science Undergraduates Receive Research Awards
Two students in the Bachelor's in Information Science program at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) have received Honors Undergraduate Research Awards from the Honors Carolina program at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Marla Sullivan and Helen Ching have received $300 each to help them perform research and complete an honors thesis. Since both students are in Dr. Diane Kelly's "Research Methods for Information Science" (INLS 691) course this semester, they both report being pleased that this preparation for doing research has paid off so well.
SILS students win 2011 Sparky Awards
Four new student films on the importance of Open Access to research and data have been voted the best by a panel of new media experts, students and librarians in "Open Up!" the fourth annual Sparky Awards. Two of the winning producers are students of the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Nico Carver received the "Best Animation Award" for his film, Free Your Data. Paula Seligson received the "Best Speech Award" for We're In This Together.
Chancellor's Award for Human Relations goes to Tammy Cox
Tammy Cox, assistant dean of administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS), has received the 2011 Chancellor's Award in the category of Human Relations.
Brooks "Jon" Breece wins ASIS&T's Pratt-Severn Best Student Research Paper Award
Brooks "Jon" Breece has received the 2011 Pratt-Severn Best Student Research Paper Award offered by the American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). His master's paper, for which he also received a SILS "Distinguished Achievement Award" for best master's paper for the 2010/2011 academic year, is titled, "Local Government Use of Web GIS in North Carolina."
Undergraduates receive $1,000 scholarships
Two $1,000 merit-based scholarships for newly admitted undergraduates in SILS' bachelor's in information science degree program, have been awarded to Benito Luciano and Katie Hawthorne. The scholarships, which are awarded spring and fall semesters to students who meet the criteria of high scholastic achievement and a stellar essay, will be effective spring 2012.
SILS students win SLA's Outstanding Innovative Programming Award
The Special Libraries Association (SLA) student group at the School of Information and Library Sciences (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been awarded a Certificate of Merit from the SLA Student and Academic Affairs Council. Awarded in June, the certificate recognizes the group's innovative programming in the spring semester of 2011.
MSLS Student, Jane Steele, Wins SEAALL Scholarship Jane Steele, a graduate student at SILS, is the recipient of a $1,000 Student Scholarship award from the Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (SEAALL).
SILS undergraduate inducted into Phi Beta Kappa honor society Release date: December 9, 2011 School of Information and Library Science (SILS) student Katie Hawthorne is one of only 138 UNC at Chapel Hill students campus wide to be inducted into the prestigious honor society Phi Beta Kappa.
Two undergraduate Information Science students receive $1,000 scholarships The Margaret Kalp Merit Scholarships, two $1,000 merit-based scholarships for newly admitted undergraduates in SILS' bachelor's in information science degree program, have been awarded to Vikram Raisinghani and William Fu. Two scholarships are awarded spring and fall semesters to students who meet the criteria of high scholastic achievement and a stellar essay.
Evelyn Poole-Kober restores pre-Civil War Slave cemetery
Evelyn Poole-Kober (MSLS '97), SILS distinguished alumna, has been honored for her restoration work in the Margaret Lane Cemetery by the Town of Hillsborough, NC through its Innovation and Customer Service Awards Program.
Teri DeVoe helps with National Book Festival in D.C.
Teri DeVoe (MSLS '07) completed her fourth year of helping with the National Book Festival as a Junior League of Washington volunteer.
Janice Hodges, SILS Alumna, Spearheads Teen Reading Initiatives at Knightdale High School
Getting teenagers interested in reading, or rekindling a childhood interest that has waned, is the mission of school librarians everywhere. Only a stone's throw away from Chapel Hill, one SILS alumna is developing innovative programming to do just that. Janice Hodges (MSLS '07), media specialist at Knightdale High School (KHS) in eastern Wake County, is making every effort to get students excited about reading. Hodges has helped KHS continue to be one of 5,000 school and public libraries nationally to participate in Teen Read Week, an initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association. KHS has participated in Teen Read Week for the last eight years.
Alumni Spotlight: Dean Irene Owens (Ph.D. '95)
Irene Owens isn't your typical librarian. In fact, she says there is really no such thing. She and her colleagues and peers across the state and nation are bona fide information scientists, a discipline that is gaining popularity among undergraduate students at UNC and other area institutions as well.
SILS Alumnus, Peter McCracken, receives Serials Librarianship Award
Peter McCracken (MSLS '95) has received the Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award for his contributions to serials librarianship. The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), gives the award annually.
SILS alumna, Laurie Hunter new Physical Sciences Librarian
School of Information and Library Science (SILS) alumna, Laurie Hunter, has been appointed Physical Sciences Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, effective Dec. 1, 2011.
SILS alumna publishes EDUCAUSE research bulletin
Dr. Meredith Weiss (Ph.D. '10) has received plaudits upon the release of a new research bulletin created for the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR).
SILS alumna, Arlene G. Taylor, receives Distinguished Alumnus Award from Illinois
The second student to receive a Ph.D. from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Arlene G. Taylor (Ph.D. '81), has been awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Library School Alumni Association at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
SILS Jingle Bell Joggers
Staff from the School of Information and Library Science participated in the 2011 Jingle Bell Jog on Dec. 9, 2011. The Jingle Bell Jog is an annual event sponsored by UNC at Chapel Hill Campus Recreation to promote good health and well being. Staff and faculty participate in either a three mile run or a one and half mile walk.
We welcome submissions to our newsletters. Please send news to the editor via e-mail at: news at ils.unc.edu
Wanda Monroe
Director of Communications
School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
100 Manning Hall, CB 3360
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Phone: 919-843-8337
Web: sils.unc.edu
Follow us on Twitter at: UNC SILS
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