[Asis-l] Call for Papers-Workshop on Education and Open Access Repositories: Policies Law and Future Prospects-The 13th International Conference of ISSEI 2012

Amanda Spink A.Spink at lboro.ac.uk
Fri Dec 2 11:08:23 EST 2011

Call for Papers-Workshop on Education and Open Access Repositories: Policies Law and Future Prospects-The 13th International Conference of ISSEI 2012

The 13th International Conference of ISSEI 2012 - The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity: Reconciling 'The Three Narratives'-Art, Science, and Philosophy
July 2 - 6, 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus

Workshop - Education and Open Access Repositories: policies, law and future prospects

Call for Papers
We invite scholars from various academic fields to submit their papers to this workshop. Open values and practices are gaining terrain within Knowledge Society, while at the same time raise a number of questions regarding hosting, access and use of information. The workshop discusses issues on openness in educational resources, processes and infrastructures, as well as technology, legal and social matters aiming at exploring future prospects arising from such practices.

Detailed information on the workshop suggested topics can be found online at workshop's url: http://issei2012.haifa.ac.il/Koutras.htm
Please feel free to suggest any other topic you think it fits in.

Important dates
A) By the end of December 2011 we would like to have your name, affiliation, a short cv and the title of your paper.

B) Abstract submission: April 15, 2012.
C) Full paper submission: May 31, 2012

Abstract, full paper and all other information required is sent to workshop chairs via email.
Please indicate in your email subject the following as applicable: A) ISSEI 2012 cv and title submission, B) ISSEI 2012 abstract submission and C) ISSEI 2012 full paper submission.

Workshop chair contact
For questions, additional information and abstract/paper submission please contact the chairs,
Nikos Koutras nkoutras1 at yahoo.gr and Elisa Makridou emak.lib at gmail.com

Full paper information
Papers should not exceed 3,000 words, or 10 double-spaced pages, including Notes. (Notes are to be included in the papers submitted to the Conference Proceedings).
Papers are to be presented rather than read. A presentation will be maximum 15 minutes long.
For more information on paper submission please visit http://issei2012.haifa.ac.il/Callforpapers.htm

Workshop url: http://issei2012.haifa.ac.il/Koutras.htm
Conference url: http://issei2012.haifa.ac.il/
Conference venue: The University of Cyprus http://www.ucy.ac.cy/goto/mainportal/en-US/HOME.aspx
Conference organizers: International Society for the Study of European Ideas and The University of Cyprus.
Conference language: English
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