[Asis-l] CfP: CSCW Horizon, Demonstrations, Interactive Posters, Panels, Videos and Student Volunteers; September 9 deadline
N. Sadat Shami
ns293 at cornell.edu
Thu Aug 18 11:43:16 EDT 2011
The ACM 2012 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
(http://cscw2012.org) is a premier venue for presenting research in
the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations,
and communities. CSCW encompasses both the technical and social
challenges encountered when supporting collaboration. The development
and application of new technologies continues to enable new ways of
working together and coordinating activities. Although work is an area
of focus, CSCW embraces research and technologies supporting a wide
range of recreational and social activities using a diverse range of
devices. The conference brings together top researchers and
practitioners from academia and industry who are interested in both
technical and social aspects of collaboration.
CSCW 2012 will be held February 11-15, 2012, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
A record number of Papers & Notes were submitted to CSCW 2012 in June.
The Papers & Notes track is now closed, and we want to encourage CSCW
researchers and practitioners – including those who submitted Papers &
Notes – to submit contributions to one or more of the following open
tracks, all of which have an deadline of September 9, 2011, 5:00pm
PDT: CSCW Horizon, Demonstrations, Interactive Posters, Panels, Videos
and Student Volunteers (http://cscw2012.org/participation.php).
We want to draw special attention to the Interactive Posters and Demos
Reception on the first evening of the main conference, which
represents an often under-appreciated opportunity for participants to
make valuable connections with other researchers and learn what they
find interesting or unclear about your work, get pointers to related
work, and forge relationships that may lead to potential new paths,
collaborations and/or future external letters of reference. Unlike
most other tracks, where the number of accepted submissions is limited
by available time in the program, we have ample space for a large
number of Posters and Demos, and are hoping a record number of
participants will help fill it with engaging people, ideas and
CSCW Horizon
CSCW Horizon provides an opportunity to showcase and discuss research
that expands the boundaries of CSCW beyond its standard topics and
approaches. We solicit creative, unorthodox, inspirational submissions
that help advance the CSCW community constructively, by provoking
debate, predicting beyond the research horizon, or revealing
unresolved issues in the field. This can be a chance for authors to
present work that:
* Challenges the basdic questions being asked and approaches used in
traditional CSCW work
* Brings new perspectives from other fields
* Is visionary, futuristic, or has not been previously explored
* Is generally less represented at the conference
* Is controversial
* Could benefit from public discussion that would not be possible in a
traditional session.
CSCW 2012 demonstrations present implementations of new CSCW systems
and concepts. The peer-reviewed demonstrations allow conference
participants to view novel and noteworthy CSCW systems in action,
discuss the systems with those who created them, and try them out.
Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, and
research prototypes, and may include work that has been previous
published at CSCW or elsewhere. Demonstrations can also serve to
showcase novel commercial products not previously described in the
research literature. Demonstrations should be interactive and provide
attendees a hands-on experience. The demo forum is not an opportunity
for marketing or sales presentations. Presenters must have been
directly involved with the development of the system and be able to
explain the unique and novel contributions of the system.
Interactive Posters
CSCW 2012 will include an interactive poster category for
late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable
for a full or short paper, innovative ideas not yet validated through
user studies, early student research, and other research best
presented in an interactive forum. Posters will be presented in a
special Poster Session where researchers will interact directly with
conference attendees. The posters will then remain up throughout the
remainder of the conference. Accepted Interactive Poster abstracts
will be published in ACM Digital Library and distributed to conference
attendees as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts
Panels are a great way to generate debate and raise new and
interesting issues at CSCW. With panels we want to provide a forum for
discussing provocative, controversial, innovative, emerging,
boundary-spanning and boundary-breaking issues. The best panels
provide opportunities for audience participation. We especially
encourage innovative formats that will engage the audience, that
address critical and contemporary topics, and that engage multiple
disciplines in productive dialog. Is a panel a kind of cooperative
work that can benefit from some kind of computer support? Or not?
While paper sessions provide detailed discussions of work recently
completed, panels provide an opportunity to explore what is on the
horizon — or what is already here but not adequately recognized,
acknowledged or discussed.
The CSCW Videos provides researchers with opportunities to present
their cutting-edge work in an interactive fashion in front of an
expert audience. Videos are ideally suited to demonstrate the
practical application of research results and the functionality of
CSCW systems, visualize the outcome of research and development
projects, or describe inspiring visions of future systems that are
grounded in today’s reality. The Videos Program provides a venue to
present work that involves dynamic interaction, ranging from
demonstrations of new systems to complex aspects of group
communication and work practice. CSCW 2012 will accept both standalone
full videos and video figures which illustrate papers in the Papers
and Notes programs. Potential topics include, but definitely are not
limited to:
* demonstrations of innovative research prototypes
* demonstrations of innovative aspects of commercial systems
* studies of work practice that have implications for CSCW
* retrospective collections of significant CSCW fields of work
* visions of future technologies
Student Volunteers
Student volunteers are essential to the success of the CSCW
conference. In return for help at the conference, student volunteers
receive a number of benefits including:
* free conference registration
* a fabulous t-shirt sure to be the envy of all conference goers
* a complimentary Conference Reception ticket
The complete Call for Participation, including more information about
CSCW Horizon, Demonstrations, Interactive Posters, Panels, Videos and
Student Volunteers can be found on the CSCW 2012 web site
You can also follow announcements about the conference on Twitter
(http://twitter.com/ACM_CSCW2012), and/or "like" us on Facebook
We look forward to your participation!
The 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
11-15 February 2012
Seattle, Washington, USA
Homepage: cscw2012.org
Twitter: @ACM_CSCW2012
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CSCW2012
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