[Asis-l] New opportunity for STUDENTS attending ASIST 2010 annual meeting

Barbara Wildemuth wildem at email.unc.edu
Mon Oct 11 15:21:38 EDT 2010

While you're attending the ASIST annual meeting in Pittsburgh this month, I
hope you will take advantage of a special opportunity open only to STUDENT

This year, for the first time, we will have a Student Design Competition
during the annual meeting.

The competition will begin at a kickoff meeting on Sunday, October 24, from
5:00 to 7:00 in the Kings Garden South room. You MUST attend this meeting in
order to be part of the competition.

At the kickoff, we'll:
-form design teams,
-be introduced to the design problem, and
-review the process for the competition.

The design teams will work on the design problem over the course of the
conference. We're hoping that you will not miss any of the sessions you want
to attend, but expect that you will want to put in some quality time working
on the design problem.

On Tuesday, October 26, 10:30-12:00, each team will have the opportunity to
present its design solution publicly. A jury of design practitioners and
design researchers will select the "best" design solution and announce it at
the end of the design competition session.

The members of the winning design team will each receive COMPLIMENTARY
REGISTRATION to the 2011 ASIST annual meeting, to be held in New Orleans.

So plan to participate! You'll meet your peers from other universities and
get to work on a fun design problem together! You'll get to present your
ideas to the ASIST community and possibly win the competition!

If you have any questions about the competition, please feel free to contact
me.  A brief overview of the conference's student activities is available at

Barbara Wildemuth
Student Activities Chair, ASIST 2010
wildemuth at unc.edu

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