[Asis-l] MIREX 2010 Submission System is Now Open

J. Stephen Downie jdownie at illinois.edu
Fri Jun 4 18:49:04 EDT 2010

Greetings all:

The 2010 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) 
submission system is now open. This will be the 6th iteration of MIREX. 
We are looking forward to the most rewarding MIREX yet. Over the past 6 
years MIREX has evaluated over 750 MIR algorithm runs on a wide variety 
of music-related tasks. There is a good chance that we might break the 
1000 cumulative runs barrier this year!

The MIREX plenary and poster sessions will be convened on Wednesday, 11 
August 2010 as part of the 11th International Conference on Music 
Information Retrieval(ISMIR) in Utrecht, Netherlands, from August 9th to 
13th, 2010 (http://ismir2010.ismir.net/).

We have created a new submission system with new submission procedures 
for this year. Because of this, it is important that you take some time 
to review the documentation carefully.

We will be following up this message early next week with information 
about deadlines. Like last year, we will have rolling deadlines. 
However, do note that ISMIR is in early August. This means that we need 
to begin running algorithms as soon as possible. The first two deadlines 
will involve the Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval (AMS) and the 
Symbolic Melodic Similarity (SMS) tasks as both of these will require 
further human evaluation via the famous Evalutron 6000 system.

If you have general questions, feel free to post them to the EvalFest 
list <evalfest at lists.lis.illinois.edu>. Specific problem requests can be 
made to the MIREX team via <mirex at imirsel.org>.

Please begin the submission process by visiting:

Special comment: We are REQUIRING that EACH person involved in a MIREX 
2010 submission MUST create an identity for themselves on the submission 
system. Identities are important to us as they help us better manage the 
submissions. Even if a colleague of yours is going to do the actual 
submitting, you still need to create an identity for yourself in the 
system. We have a video that will help you make better sense of this. 
So, even if you are not going to be the submitter, could can help your 
colleagues immensely by creating an identity for yourself on the system 
as soon as possible.

Until the final 2010 results are published, this will be the last MIREX 
2010 message cross-posted. All further communications from MIREX Central 
will be made via the EvalFest list.

J. Stephen Downie on behalf of the MIREX team

     "Research funding makes the world a better place"
J. Stephen Downie, PhD
Associate Professor,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science; and,
Center Affiliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[Vox/Voicemail] (217) 649-3839
NEMA Project Home: http://nema.lis.uiuc.edu

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