[Asis-l] Submission Deadline June 9 - SIGIR Desktop Search Workshop
lkelly at computing.dcu.ie
lkelly at computing.dcu.ie
Wed Jun 2 23:16:10 EDT 2010
[Apologies for cross postings. Please note the new submission deadline
June 9, 2010]
** Due to requests, the deadline for submissions to the SIGIR 2010 Desktop
Search (Understanding, Supporting and Evaluating Personal Data Search)
Workshop has been extended to June 9, 2010. In the interest of
streamlining the review process we would request that you submit an
abstract through the EasyChair system by June 6, 2010 so that other
important dates will not be affected.**
Desktop Search Workshop
Understanding, Supporting, and Evaluating Personal Data Search
A SIGIR 2010 workshop, July 23, Geneva, Switzerland
Desktop search refers to the process of searching within ones personal
space of information. The information searched during a desktop search
can include content that resides on one's personal computer (e.g.,
documents, emails, visited Web pages, and multimedia files), and may
extend to content on other personal devices, such as music players and
mobile phones. Despite recent research interest, desktop search is
under-explored compared to other search domains such as the web,
semi-structured data, or flat text.
This workshop will bring together academics and industrial practitioners
interested in desktop search with the goal of fostering collaborations and
addressing the challenges faced in this area. The workshop will be
structured to encourage group discussion and active collaboration among
attendees. We encourage participation from people in the fields of
information retrieval, personal information management, natural language
processing, human-computer interaction, and related areas.
The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
Understanding desktop search behavior
-Studies of desktop search behavior
-Desktop query log analysis
-Psychological aspects of re-finding (e.g., peoples memories of items)
Supporting desktop search
-Retrieval approaches (e.g., content analysis, search algorithms)
-Personalization to account for highly individual collections and needs
-Interfaces for desktop search and presentation of results
Evaluating desktop search
-Evaluation approaches (e.g., test collections, lab studies, log analyses)
-Test set creation (e.g., common reference task, common corpora)
Other uses of desktop collections
-Introspection and reflection using personal collections
**Submission Guidelines**
Short papers (max 4 pages) and short position papers (max 2 pages)
describing significant work in progress, late breaking results or ideas /
challenges for the domain are invited. Submissions should be in ACM SIGIR
format. LaTeX and Word templates are available at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates (for LaTeX, use
the "Option 2" style).
Anonymised papers in pdf format should be submitted to
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=desktop2010 no later than
midnight Pacific Daylight Time on June 9, 2010. Submissions will be
subject to triple-blind reviewing.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. These
proceedings will be distributed to workshop participants and made
available on-line. At the workshop we will discuss the possibility of
publishing in a journal special issue or similar.
**Important Dates**
June 9, 2010 Deadline for paper submission
June 27, 2010 Notification to authors
July 5, 2010 Camera-ready copy due
July 23, 2010 Workshop
**Further Information**
Further information is available on the workshop website at
http://www.cdvp.dcu.ie/DS2010/ or by emailing the workshop organizers.
**Workshop Organizers**
David Elsweiler University of Erlangen, Germany (david at elsweiler.co.uk)
Gareth J. F. Jones Dublin City University, Ireland
(gjones at computing.dcu.ie)
Liadh Kelly Dublin City University, Ireland (lkelly at computing.dcu.ie)
Jaime Teevan Microsoft Research Redmond, USA (teevan at microsoft.com)
**Program Committee**
Leif Azzopardi - University of Glasgow, UK
Ofer Bergman Sheffield University, UK
Rob Capra - University of North Carolina, USA
Sergey Chernov - University of Hanover, Germany
Bruce Croft - University of Massachusetts, USA
Ed Cutrell - Microsoft Research, India
Susan Dumais - Microsoft Research, USA
Diane Kelly - University of North Carolina, USA
Ian Ruthven - University of Strathclyde, UK
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