[Asis-l] The Information Tsunami, NFAIS 2011 Annual Conference
Jill O'Neill
jilloneill at nfais.org
Fri Dec 17 13:12:16 EST 2010
The 2011 NFAIS Annual Conference, Taming the Information Tsunami: The New
World of Discovery, will take place February 27 - March 1, 2011 at the
historic Hyatt at the Bellevue in Philadelphia, PA. Early bird
registrations are available until January 7, 2011. Until then savings of up
to $200 off the full registration fee are available and NFAIS members
registering three or more staff at the same time receive even greater
savings (for details see the registration form
This three-day meeting will take a look at today's world of information
overload and how publishers and librarians are navigating today's
exponential growth of digital information to provide scholars and
researchers with the reliable, relevant information that deserves their time
and attention - no matter what the source, language or medium!
Highlights Include:
A thought-provoking look at the complex problems and entrepreneurial
opportunities offered by today's information explosion from Dan Gillmor,
author of We the Media
Survey results from IDC on the sources of today's digital information
explosion and the expected information growth rates in the coming years
A panel of librarians and researchers addressing how they are adapting to
information overload - the tools they use, what works, what doesn't, and how
their jobs have changed as a result
A look at the impact of digital technology on how we think and how we
process and use information from Stephen Berlin Johnson, Contributing
Editor, Wiredmagazine.
Case studies from the Library of Congress, Nature Publishing, and the
Journal of Visual Experiments on coverage of content across all media and
diverse languages to ensure the relevance and comprehensiveness of their
products and services
The Miles Conrad Memorial Lecture given by award recipient Dr. Ben
Shneiderman, Professor and Founding Director of the Human-Computer
Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland
Examples of the current and emerging technologies - cloud computing,
augmented reality, semantic searching, machine thinking, automatic
translation - that are shaping the future of information discovery
A look at the challenges to acquiring, preserving, and delivering the huge
volume of information that comprises the U.S. national record from David
Ferriero, Archivist of the United States
A discussion of the future of information discovery - how content providers,
librarians, faculty, and users will efficiently and effectively navigate the
tidal waves of content that are forthcoming.
Attend the 53rd NFAIS Annual Conference and learn how learn how you can
ensure that your products and services allow information seekers to
successfully navigate the information tsunami.
To register or obtain more information contact: Jill O'Neill, NFAIS Director
of Communication and Planning (jilloneill at nfais.org or 215-893-1561) or
visit the NFAIS Web site at
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS), 1518
Walnut Street, Suite 1004, Philadelphia, PA 19102-3403. NFAIS: Serving the
Global Information Community
Jill O'Neill
Director, Planning & Communication
(v) 215-893-1561
(email) jilloneill at nfais.org
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