[Asis-l] FW: ACM SIGHIT health informatics newsletter call for contributions

Wildemuth, Barbara M wildemuth at unc.edu
Sun Dec 5 18:07:35 EST 2010

There is a new ACM SIG on health information technologies that may be of interest to ASIST members also. See below.


Barbara Wildemuth
wildemuth at unc.edu

-----Original Message-----
Dear All, 

We are glad to announce the launch of SIGHIT News - the Newsletter of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Health Informatics (SIGHIT) that has been granted status effective January 1, 2011. 

ACM SIGHIT members have been working on multiple aspects of the Health Informatics discipline for several years and have been noticing the emergence of substantial research and associated technologies in this field. The resulting effort lies in the confluence of several fields, including Medicine, Nursing, Computing, Information Science and Social / Behavioral / Cognitive Science. Considering the rising amount of interest in the area as well as the cross-disciplinary aspects, this new SIG will encourage and foster the growth of Health Informatics.   

We are currently seeking contributions for the inaugural issue of SIGHIT News to be published in March.  Submission are welcome at any time, but must be submitted before January 31, 2011 to be considered for the first issue.  Contribution may include: 

* short technical notes on current topics
* surveys of specific research areas of interest
* PhD dissertation abstracts
* conference and workshop reports
* calls and announcements for conferences and journals
* book reviews 

The newsletter will have two issues every year, i.e., March and September. For more detailed information regarding the newsletter or suggestions please contact the editors via email at Supten Sarbadhikari <supten at gmail.com <mailto:supten at gmail.com> >, Kay Connelly <connelly at indiana.edu <mailto:connelly at indiana.edu> > 

Current ACM SIGHIT Office Bearers are: 
Chair: Gang Luo, IBM Research
Vice Chair: Neil R. Smalheiser, University of Illinois, Chicago
Secretary: Henrique Andrade, Goldman Sachs
Treasurer: Osmar R. Zaiane, University of Alberta, Canada Advisory board chair: Andrew Sears, UMBC 

The SIGHIT newsletter team are: 
Newsletter editor: Supten Sarbadhikari, CAL2CAL Institute, India Newsletter associate editor: Kay Connelly, Indiana University 

Notice to contributing authors to the SIGHIT News: By submitting your article for distribution in this publication, you hereby grant to ACM the following nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide rights: 
• to publish in print on condition of acceptance by the editor, • to digitize and post your article in the electronic version of this publication, • to include the article in the ACM Digital Library, • to allow users to copy and distribute the article for noncommercial, educational or research purposes. 
However, as a contributing author, you retain copyright to your article and ACM will make every effort to refer requests for commercial use directly to you. 

With warmest regards
Prof. Supten Sarbadhikari, Editor, SIGHIT News Founding Director CAL2CAL Institute India supten at gmail.com <mailto:supten at gmail.com>  

Kay Connelly, Associate Editor, SIGHIT News Associate Professor, Computer Science, Indiana University Co-director, CLEAR Health Information, Indiana University connelly at indiana.edu <mailto:connelly at indiana.edu>  

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