[Asis-l] Metrics 2009 Pre-conference Symposium at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting – November 7, 2009
Dietmar Wolfram
dwolfram at uwm.edu
Thu Sep 24 12:13:48 EDT 2009
[Apologies for cross-postings]
Please join us at the Metrics 2009 Pre-Conference Symposium at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Vancouver on Saturday, November 7, 2009. A text-only version of the program appears below.
Early registration is $75 for ASIS&T and ISSI members ($90 for members after September 25th). Ten research papers on a range of –metrics topics will be presented by an international group of speakers. Registrants will receive electronic access to the presented papers.
For more information about the symposium, visit: http://www.sois.uwm.edu/MetricsPreCon/
To register for this event, visit the ASIS&T Annual Meeting registration web page: http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM09/register.html
Metrics 2009 Program
9:00–9:30am Welcome – Dr. Ronald Rousseau, President of ISSI
Introduction – Dr. Eugene Garfield, Founder & Chairman Emeritus, Institute for Scientific Information
9:30–10:30am Database & Journal Studies I
Rankings of Information and Library Science Journals by JIF and by h-type Indices
Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Public Sharing of Research Datasets: A Pilot Study of Associations
Heather Piwowar & Wendy Chapman, University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
10:30–11:00am Break
11:00am-12:30pm Disciplinary Studies
Core Journal Literatures and Persistent Research Themes in an Emerging Interdisciplinary Field: Exploring the Literature of Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Katherine McCain, Drexel University, U.S.A.
Diffusion of Latent Semantic Analysis as a Research Tool: A Social Network Analysis Approach
Yasar Tonta & Hamid R. Darvish, Hacettepe University, Turkey
A Theoretical Discussion of Prathap’s h2-index for Institutional Evaluation with an Application in the Field of HIV Infection and Therapy
Ronald Rousseau, KHBO (Association K.U.Leuven), Industrial Sciences and Technology, Belgium
Lying Yang & Ting Yue, National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Science, China
12:30–1:30pm Lunch on your own
1:30–3:00pm Visualization & Clustering
Academic Spectrum: A Visualizing Method for Research Assessment
Fred Y. Ye, Zhejiang University, China
North America Academic Web Space: Multicultural Canada vs. The United States Homogeneity
José Luis Ortega, VICYT-CSIC, Spain
Isidro F. Aguillo, CVHS-CSIC, Spain
Subject Clustering Analysis Based on ISI Category Classification
Lin Zhang, Xinhai Liu, Frizo Janssens & Wolfgang Glänzel, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
3:00–3:30pm Break
3:30–4:30pm Database & Journal Studies II
Combining Commercial and Open Access Citation Databases to Delimit Highly Interdisciplinary Research Fields for Citation Analysis
Andreas Strotmann & Dangzhi Zhao, University of Alberta, Canada
Measuring a Journal’s Input Rhythm Based on its Publication-reference Matrix
Liming Liang, Institute for Science, Technology and Society, Henan Normal University, China
Ronald Rousseau, KHBO (Association K.U.Leuven), Industrial Sciences and Technology, Belgium
4:30–5:00pm Discussion – Next Steps, Future Symposia
5:30pm Dutch Treat Dinner – Location TBA
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