[Asis-l] FW: Dr. Carol Tenopir honored with 2009 ASIST Award of Merit

Southern, Joel B jsouthern at utk.edu
Tue Sep 22 09:39:11 EDT 2009

Carol Tenopir, a professor in the School of Information Sciences at the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has received the 2009 ASIS&T Award
of Merit. 


The award, from the American Society for Information Science and
Technology (ASIS&T), is the group's highest honor, given annually to an
individual who has made a noteworthy contribution to the field of
information science, including the expression of new ideas, the creation
of new devices, the development of better techniques and outstanding
service to the profession of information science. 


Tenopir has been a researcher, teacher and contributor to the
information science profession for almost three decades. A major study
of information science scholarship recently found Tenopir to be the most
frequently cited researcher in the field and ranked her first in terms
of scholarly productivity. Her research, with a strong user focus,
covers the evolution and development of databases, online systems and
searching, and, more recently, scholarly communications on a broad


Tenopir has authored five books and more than 200 journal articles and
has made presentations in more than 18 countries. She is a popular
consultant for national and international firms. 


Tenopir, a Chancellor's Professor, has received national awards for
teaching excellence from the ASIS&T and from the Association for Library
and Information Science Education.


Joel Southern
Communications Specialist
School of Information Sciences
College of Communication and Information
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1345 Circle Park Drive, Suite 451
Knoxville, TN 37996-0341
(865) 974-6727
jsouthern at utk dot edu
www.sis.utk.edu <http://www.sis.utk.edu>  


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