[Asis-l] Online workshop: Institutional Copyright Policies

Steven Petersen SPetersen at umuc.edu
Tue Nov 17 11:24:37 EST 2009


Please share this non-profit professional development opportunity with
your colleagues. Thank you for your time.  -Steve Petersen, CIP at UMUC...
Advance your career. Take this course alone or to work towards copyright
certification. Registration for this workshop ends on January 4th: 

Institutional Copyright Policies

January 14-29, 2010
Instructor: Steven McDonald, J.D., General Counsel, Rhode Island School
of Design  
This online workshop will help you evaluate & answer some of the many
questions that flow from the process of policy development within the
arena of higher education. Who owns the work? And who can do what with
the work? Is cyberspace a separate jurisdiction with a different set of
rules than the physical world? Does the institution need a new policy
and resource, or is a current policy sufficient and applicable-or
adaptable-to the technologies, opportunities, and demands of academic
life, both online and offline, in the digital era?
Goals for the course: 
In this course, participants will:

1. Gain a practical understanding of basic copyright principles as they
apply in and to higher education generally; 

2. Learn how to evaluate institutional copyright policies and discuss
the development and modification of those policies; 

3. Understand the policies and technical steps your institution will
need to implement in order to take full advantage of the opportunities
that copyright law allows; 

4. Gain a greater understanding of Internet law and policy; 

5. Be encouraged to think about how copyright policies can serve the
educational mission.  

Advance your career. The new certification program Copyright Leadership
in Higher Education requires that participants take one elective
workshop in addition to the core course Foundations in Copyright
Management and Leadership.  This foundations course will be offered
March 29 - May 21, 2010. Register for certification today and receive
this elective workshop for free. Learn more at
Please see linked website for more information-
SIGN UP TODAY: http://tinyurl.com/nuw58g [Secured Server] 
SAVE THE DATES! June 22-24, 2010
CIP Symposium - Hybrid (c): Sustaining Culture in Copyright Washington,
DC Stay for the ALA Annual Conference, June 24-30
Please excuse any duplicate copies of this message. Thank you for your
time and consideration.   

Steve Petersen
Center For Intellectual Property
University of Maryland University College
3501 University Boulevard East
Adelphi, MD  20783
(240)684-2865 office
(240)684-2961 fax
spetersen at umuc.edu

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