[Asis-l] Libraries in the Digital Age /LIDA/ 2010 Call for Participation

marija dalbello dalbello at rutgers.edu
Sun Nov 8 00:48:19 EST 2009

The annual international conference and course



Zadar, Croatia, 24 – 28 May 2010

University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia (http://www.unizd.hr/)
Full information at: http://www.ffos.hr/lida/  Email: lida at ffos.hr

The annual international conference Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA)
addresses the changing and challenging environment for libraries and
information systems and services in the digital world. Each year a
different and ‘hot’ theme is addressed, divided in two parts; the first
part covering research and development and the second part addressing
advances in applications and practice. LIDA brings together researchers,
educators, practitioners, and developers from all over the world in a
forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made easier by
being held in memorable locations.

Themes LIDA 2010

Part I: DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP: support by digital libraries
Contributions (types described below) are invited covering the following

* Research, practices, and values related to digital scholarship,
including conceptual frameworks that emerged
* Contemporary nature of the scholarly information and communication
environment in general and as involving digital libraries in particular *
Developments in digital humanities
* Navigating shifting patterns of scholarly communication
* The impact digital libraries have on digital scholarship and on
education in various fields, and vice versa; the impact of digital
scholarship on digital libraries
* Studies on how faculty, researchers, and students  make use of digital
scholarly resources for their research or in education
* Practices that emerged in libraries related to support of digital
scholarship, such as resource/collection building, digitization,
preservation, access, services and others;
* International aspects of digital libraries with related trends in
globalization and cooperative opportunities for support of digital
* Research and discussions on general questions:  How are we to understand
new forms of scholarship and scholarly works in their own right? How are
we to respond in digital libraries? What are the opportunities and

Part II: DIGITAL NATIVES: challenges & innovations in reaching out to
digital born generations

Contributions (types described below) are invited covering the following
* Research and discussions on general questions:  who are these digital
natives? How they are different from older generations – or digital
immigrants – and what is the world they’re creating going to look like?
* The impact of digital natives on libraries
* Digital libraries and social networks on the Web
* The cultural and technological challenges faced by digital libraries in
serving digital natives
* Examples of library services specifically aimed at digital natives
* Efforts by libraries to help people that are more digital immigrants to 
become more digitally natives
* Role of libraries in e-learning and education in general
* Is the future of libraries closely associated with how successfully they
meet the demands of digital users?

Types of contributions

Invited are the following types of contributions:

1. Papers: research studies and reports on practices and advances that
will be presented at the conference and included in published Proceedings
2. Posters: short graphic presentations on research, studies, advances,
examples, practices, or preliminary work that will be presented in a
special poster session. Proposals for posters should be submitted as a
short, one or two- page paper.
3. Demonstrations: live examples of working projects, services,
interfaces, commercial products, or developments-in-progress that will be
presented during the conference in specialized facilities or presented in
special demonstration sessions.
4. Workshops: two to four-hour sessions that will be tutorial and
educational in nature. Workshops will be presented before and after the
main part of the conference and will require separate fees, to be shared
with workshop organizers.
5. PhD Forum: short presentations by PhD students, particularly as related
to their dissertation; help and responses by a panel of educators.
Instructions for submissions are at LIDA site http://www.ffos.hr/lida/

For papers (an extended abstract) and workshops (a short proposal): 15
January 2010. Acceptance by 10 February 2010.
For demonstrations (a proposal) and posters (an extended abstract): 1
February 2010. Acceptance by 15 February 2010.
Final submission for all accepted papers and posters: 15 March 2010.
Conference contact information

Conference  co-directors:
TATJANA APARAC-JELUSIC, Department of Library and Information Science
University of Zadar; Zadar, Croatia; taparac at unizd.hr
TEFKO SARACEVIC, School of Communication and Information; Rutgers
University; New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA tefkos at rutgers.edu

Program chairs:

For Theme I: VITTORE CASAROSA, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie
dell'Informazione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,  Pisa, Italy, 
casarosa at isti.cnr.it

For Theme II: GARY MARCHIONINI,  School of Information and Library
Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, USA, march at ils.unc.edu

Zadar is one of the enchanting cities on the Adriatic coast,  rich in
history. It still preserves a very old network of narrow and charming city
streets, as well as a Roman forum dating back to the first century CE. In
addition, Zadar region encompasses many natural beauties, most prominent
among them is the Kornati National Park, the most unusual and indented set
of close to a 100 small islands in the Mediterranean For Zadar see
http://www.zadar.hr/English/Default.aspx. For Croatia see

Marija Dalbello
Associate Professor
School of Communication and Information
4 Huntington Street
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1071
Voice: 732.932.7500 / 8215
FAX:  732.932.6916
Internet: dalbello at rutgers.edu

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