[Asis-l] Only 2 Weeks to Register for JCDL 2009, Austin, Texas
Mary Lynn Rice-Lively
marylynn at ischool.utexas.edu
Fri May 8 10:02:13 EDT 2009
For Immediate Release
May 8, 2009
2009 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 15-19, 2009 in
Austin, Texas
Only two weeks remain for conferees to receive the early registration
rates for JCDL 2009 (June 15 - June 19, 2009). Please see https://www.regonline.com/63371_713164M
. Register now to guarantee the lowest registration fee and to assure
your place in one of the pre-conference tutorials or post-conference
workshops. Early registration will be open until May 25, 2009 midnight
JCDL is an important international forum focused on digital libraries
and associated technical, practical, and social issues. JCDL
encompasses the many meanings of the term "digital libraries,"
including (but not limited to) new forms of information institutions;
operational information systems with all manner of digital content;
new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing
digital content; and theoretical models of information media,
including document genres and electronic publishing.
Plan on staying at the luxurious, new University of Texas AT&T
Executive Education and Conference Center where the conference will be
held (http://meetattexas.com). The conference planning committee has
selected an interesting array of papers to be presented and arranged
for keynote speakers and panel discussions to provide a lively
exploration of the "state of the art" of digital library discourse and
scholarly work. The block of rooms reserved for JCDL will only be held
until May 25, 2009 midnight CDT.
Conference presenters represent 15 different countries and 19 states
in the United States who will present 29 full papers and 18 short
papers (See summary of papers at http://www.jcdl2009.org/fullpapers
and http://www.jcdl2009.org/shortpapers.)
Conference keynote speakers include Christine Borgman, Professor &
Presidential Chair in Information Studies at UCLA who will speak on
"Digital Libraries: Now Here or Nowhere?" and Gerhard Fischer,
Director of the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design and a
professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Colorado, Boulder, will speak on "Cultures of Participation:
Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Digital Libraries." The
ever popular poster session (over 50 posters) will be held Tuesday
evening on June 16th "in real life" at the AT&T Center, as well as in
"Second Life."
JCDL 2009 will be held in Austin, Texas and is hosted by the School of
Information at the University of Texas. It has been organized by an
international committee of scholars and leaders in the Digital
Libraries field. Hundreds are expected to attend the five days of
events including a day of cutting edge tutorials; 3 days of papers,
panels, and keynotes; and a day of research workshops.
Watch for emerging details on the conference program please at http://www.jcdl2009.org/
Mary Lynn Rice-Lively
Associate Dean
UT-School of Information and Conference Chair
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