[Asis-l] 2nd CFP: Information Processing & Management special issue on Collaborative Information Seeking

Gene Golovchinsky gene at fxpal.com
Wed Mar 25 16:57:08 EDT 2009

2nd Call for Papers:

Information Processing & Management special issue on Collaborative 
Information Seeking

Submission Deadline: May 8, 2009

Guest Editors:

Meredith Ringel Morris (Microsoft Research)
Gene Golovchinsky (FX Palo Alto Laboratory)
Jeremy Pickens (FX Palo Alto Laboratory)


Today's digital search technologies are designed for a single user 
working alone, even though prior studies of students and information 
workers have demonstrated that information seeking is sometimes a 
collaborative process. Such collaborations are difficult to achieve with 
existing digital tools, often resulting in high overhead such as 
undesired redundancy of effort. 

Collaborative information seeking refers to occasions when pairs or 
groups of people actively work together to satisfy a shared information 
need. Such collaborations may be synchronous or asynchronous, co-located 
or remote. Note that collaborative information seeking refers to 
explicit collaboration among group members; this stands in contrast to 
techniques such as collaborative filtering, recommender, or 
personalization systems that use data from large numbers of people in 
order to enhance a single user's experience; participants in these 
latter types of systems are not explicitly working together towards a 
shared goal.

Understanding how digital technologies can improve the process and 
outcomes of collaborative information seeking is an emerging area of 
research engaging several communities, including researchers in the 
fields of information retrieval, library sciences, education, 
human-computer interaction, and computer-supported cooperative work. In 
this special issue, we are seeking articles relating to all aspects of 
digital support for collaborative information seeking, including: 

. Articles describing current practices of user groups who may benefit 
from increased support for collaborative information seeking, 
emphasizing what designers of digital tools can learn from such current 

. Articles describing novel tools that facilitate collaborative 
information seeking, such as new user interface designs or algorithmic 

. Articles describing evaluations of collaborative information seeking 
systems, such as lessons learned from observing a system's use or 
discussion of new evaluation metrics or methodologies relevant to this 
emerging field.

. Articles proposing theoretical models of collaborative information 
seeking that account for system organization and/or user behavior.



May 8th, 2009: paper submission deadline
July 2nd, 2009: author notification
July 31st, 2009: paper revisions due
Fall 2009: publication of special issue

More details regarding the CFP can be found online at 

The Information Processing & Management journal homepage can be found 

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