[Asis-l] Last Chance for Oxford and Prague!

Wanda Monroe wmonroe at email.unc.edu
Tue Mar 17 16:20:15 EDT 2009

There are still a few spots available for registration in the University of 
North Carolina's summer seminars in Oxford and Prague. These international 
summer seminars can either be taken for academic credit or on a non-credit 
basis. Registration closes on March 25th.

Oxford, England
Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present and Future

UNC at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science has 
partnered with the University of Oxford and its Department of Continuing 
Education to offer an opportunity to study libraries and librarianship in 
Great Britain at the world-renowned Bodleian Library from May 17 - May 30, 
2009. Tours of many of the Oxford College libraries, the Oxford University 
Press, the Bodleian Library and the British Library are included.

Prague, Czech Republic
Libraries and Librarianship in the Czech Republic

The summer seminar for the Czech Republic is offered from May 24 - June 6, 
2009. Participants will see the libraries and facilities at central 
Europe's oldest university, Charles University, which was founded in 1348.

The lectures provide a broad overview of libraries across the Czech 
Republic and will be supplemented with tours of libraries and other 
cultural institutions in Prague and other parts of the Czech Republic.

For more details on the seminars, including pricing and registration 
information, go to: http://sils.unc.edu/programs/international/index.html

Join us for a once in a lifetime journey!

Barbara B. Moran, Professor
School of Information and Library Science
Manning Hall, CB 3360
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-3360
Tel: 919 962-8067   Fax: 919 962-8071
email: moran at ils.unc.edu

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