[Asis-l] [News] DOI News - June 2009
Joy Davidson
british.editor at erpanet.org
Thu Jun 18 05:03:40 EDT 2009
DOI News - June 2009
DOI News is a public news release; information contained within this
newsletter can be reproduced and disseminated to all interested parties.
In this issue:
1. Launch of Vocabulary Mapping Framework
2. Registration open for 2009 IDF Open Meeting: "Ensuring Persistence"
3. IDF partners in Europeana
4. New publications on DOI System
1. Launch of "Vocabulary Mapping Framework"
A new initiative, the Vocabulary Mapping Framework (VMF), has been
announced by a consortium of partners. This will create an extensive and
authoritative mapping of vocabularies from nine major content metadata
standards, creating a downloadable tool to support interoperability
across communities. The mapping will also be extensible to other
standards. The work builds on the principles of interoperability
established in the indecs Content Model, and is an expansion of the
existing RDA/ONIX Framework into a comprehensive vocabulary of resource
relators and categories, which will be a superset of those used in major
standards from the publisher/producer, education and
bibliographic/heritage communities.
The International DOI Foundation, which fully endorses this work, will
provide a web hosting facility for the Framework as part of its
commitment to promoting the wider use of interoperable metadata, and
will use the vocabulary mapping wherever possible to support the
association of metadata with DOI names.
For additional information see:
-o- VMF project announcement, June 15, 2009, at
-o- "indecs Content Model" at
-o- "RDA/ONIX Framework for resource categorization" at
2. Registration open for 2009 IDF Open Meeting: "Ensuring Persistence"
The 2009 International DOI Foundation annual open meeting, "Ensuring
Persistence", will be held in San Francisco on October 7, 2009. A range
of international speakers will discuss topics including persistence as
interoperability (including discussion of the Vocabulary Mapping
Framework), and persistence as social infrastructure (including
experiences and lessons from other communities).
Participants are welcomed from a wide range of communities and
interests. Registration for this one day meeting is now open. The
meeting is held in conjunction with other meetings including the
International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2009).
For further information and to register for the meeting see 2009 IDF
Open Meeting: "Ensuring Persistence" at
3. IDF partners in Europeana
The International DOI Foundation (IDF) has joined the European
Commission's Europeana v1.0 Thematic Partner Network. The goal for
Europeana is to make European information resources easier to use in an
online environment. It will combine multicultural and multilingual
environments with technological advances and new business models. This
project is the successor network to the EC-funded EDLnet thematic
network which created the EDL (European Digital Library) Foundation and
the Europeana prototype of 4 million digital items.
IDF will participate in the network to offer technical and
infrastructure advice on identifiers, metadata and related issues.
Europeana Version 1.0 is being developed and will launch in 2010 with
links to over 10 million digital objects.
For additional information, see the Europeana prototype at
http://www.europeana.eu/portal/ and for background on Europeana, see
4. New publications on DOI System
A range of new publications is now available on the DOI System and
related issues, including:
-o- A new Wikipedia article on the DOI System at
-o- Related Wikipedia articles on the Handle System
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handle_System) and the indecs Content
Model (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indecs_Content_Model), the technical
underpinnings of the DOI System
-o- An update of the DOI Factsheet "DOI System and Internet Identifier
Specifications" at http://www.doi.org/factsheets/DOIIdentifierSpecs.html
The DOI(r) System is a system for interoperably identifying and
exchanging intellectual property in the digital environment. A DOI(r)
name assigned to content enhances a content producer's ability to trade
electronically. It provides a framework for managing content in any form
at any level of granularity, for linking customers with content
suppliers, for facilitating electronic commerce, and enabling automated
copyright management for all types of media. The International DOI
Foundation, a non-profit organization, manages development, policy and
licensing of the DOI System to registration agencies and technology
providers and advises on usage and development of related services and
This is a service announcement for the International DOI Foundation and
has been prepared to inform you of important developments to enable
digital copyright management of intellectual property. For more
information about the DOI System, see www.doi.org or contact
contact at doi.org. To be unsubscribed from this mailing list, contact
info at doi.org. If you have received this from another source and wish to
subscribe directly, click on "Subscribe to DOI News" on the www.doi.org
home page.
The DOI(r) System
Website: http://www.doi.org/
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