[Asis-l] CENTERIS’2009 | Last Call for Papers
Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha
mcunha at ipca.pt
Wed Apr 1 14:17:15 EDT 2009
------------- CENTERIS’2009 | Second Call for Papers
------------- Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems
------------- extended submission deadline (full paper): April 07, 2009
Dear Sir
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the CENTERIS’2009 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems – aligning technology, organizations and people, to be held in Ofir, Portugal.
All accepted papers in CENTERIS will be published in the Conference Proceedings Book (full texts) with ISBN and on a CD-ROM or usb flash memory drive.
Authors of a selection of around 25 papers will invited for enhancing their papers for publishing in an (IGI-Global) book, to be released by early 2010. Depending on the number of high quality papers accepted, the Organization can consider the edition of two books, instead of one.
Additionally, and according with the reviewers’ recommendations, authors of selected papers will be invited to enhance the paper for publication in:
-- a Special Issue of the Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) (six to seven papers);
-- International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) (one or two papers);
-- International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA) (one to three best papers in the field of Information Systems when applying Systems Approach);
-- Journal of Theoretical and Applied electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) (one or two papers related to e-commerce/e-business, that will be submitted to further peer-revision);
-- Information and Communication Technologies for the Advanced Enterprise: an international journal - ICT'ae (one or two papers);
-- International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals - IJHCITP (one or two papers).
Submissions will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.
Only original contributions will be accepted.
CENTERIS’2009 is an international conference organized by the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, that will address the largely multidisciplinary field embraced by the Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), from the social, organizational and technological perspectives. The Conference will take place at AXIS OFIR Beach Resort Hotel in Ofir, Esposende, Portugal, a 4-star Hotel located in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the North of Portugal. The Atlantic coast of Esposende is part of the Natural Park of the North Coast, a protected area of great beauty. Ofir is located in a wonderful historic and cultural region with three locations/zones proclaimed as UNESCO cultural World Heritage within 100 km: Historic Centre of Guimaraes (50Km), Historic Centre of Porto (40Km) and Alto Douro Wine Region.
The Hotel Axis Ofir is located 35 km north of the Oporto International Airport “Francisco Sa Carneiro”. It is connected by the highway A28. We suggest getting a taxi which cost would be around 35 Euros (one way), taking less than 30 min to the Hotel.
For more detailed information, please visit http://centeris.eiswatch.org
We hope to see you in Ofir.
Best wishes,
Manuela Cunha
Luís Amaral
João Varajão
(please excuse us if you received this call more than once)
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