[Asis-l] ASIST> Schedule for 4th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium

H Rosenbaum hrosenba at indiana.edu
Fri Sep 12 00:03:49 EDT 2008

We are pleased to announce the schedule for "4th Annual SIG SI Social  
Informatics Research Symposium

"People, information and technology: The social analysis of computing"

Saturday, October 25, 2008, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
Hyatt Regency Columbus, Ohio

This symposium precedes the Annual Meeting of the American Society  
for Information Science and Technology. Early registration ends on  
9/12. We hope you will join us for a morning of outstanding papers  
and posters, join us for the networking lunch and and stay for the  
SIG-USE session to follow.

The keynote address will be given by Dr. Mark Ackerman, Department of  
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and School of Information  
University of Michigan

[Note: because of the busy schedule we encourage you to arrive at the  
Symposium by 8:15!]

8:20: Welcome: Howard Rosenbaum and Kalpana Shankar, Indiana  
University - co-organizers

8:30 Eric Meyer, Oxford Internet Institute, UK

The Role of e-Infrastructures in the Transformation of Research  
Practices and Outcomes

8:50 Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson, Creative Practices Group, Faculty  
of Arts and Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, AUS

Research in action: taking an articulation approach to examine the  
roles of information technologies and human interaction in academic  

9:10 Frank Lambert School of Library and Information Science, Kent  
State University

The social shaping of an online community information provider

9:30 Emilee Rader School of Information, University of Michigan

Group Information Repositories as Social Systems

9:50 Ying Ding, SLIS, Indiana University

Modeling Social Tagging: Upper Tag Ontology (UTO)

10:10 Break

10:20 Mike Tyworth, Penn State College of Information Sciences and  
Technology and Steve Sawyer,  IST, Syracuse University

Social Informatics and the Social Analysis of Computing

10:40 Kristene Unsworth Information School, University of Washington

Information use, sharing and surveillance: the role of the citizen- 
informer in the war on terror

11:00 Ken Fleischmann College of Information Studies, University of  

Social Analysis of Transparency in Virtual Worlds: Ethical  
Imperatives for Simulation Design

11:20 Inna Kouper, SLIS, Indiana University

The composite model of critical discourse analysis: Examining mutual  
shaping of people, information, and technology through discourse

11:40 Steven Paling, SLIS, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Toward a Theory of Technological Transformation in Artistic Genres

12:00 Keynote address: Mark Ackerman, Electrical Engineering and  
Computer Science and School of Information University of Michigan

12:30 Networking lunch with SIG-USE


Kathryn Clodfelter SLIS, Indiana University

Innovation, ICTs, and Inequality:  The U. S. National Information  
Infrastructure (NII) and Community Networks

Guillermo A. Oyarce, University of North Texas, Eduardo Aguado-López,  
Nelson Arteaga-Botello, Rosario Rogel-Salazar, Universidad Autónoma  
del Estado de Méjico

Using REDALYC and its human networks in Latin America, Spain and  
Portugal to understand the role of information in ICT adoption

Jay Paraki, International Institute For Knowledge Management

International Institute for Knowledge Management

Maria Souden University of Michigan School of Information

Information Work in the Chronic Illness Experience

Mike Tyworth, Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology

Social Shaping of Police Technology

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