[Asis-l] CFP: Learning Inquiry

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Wed Sep 3 15:29:28 EDT 2008

Apologies for x-posting, please distribute as appropriate -jh

Dear Colleagues;

We invite your submissions to  Learning Inquiry. We are sending out a  
call for
participation in our ongoing creation of a transdiciplinary forum to  
engage the widest
variety of perspectives on learning. We're looking for articles and  
special issues that push
the boundaries and include new perspectives, but also take the  
opportunity to share
research and experiences from particular locations of inquiry to a  
larger audience.

Learning Inquiry is a refereed scholarly journal, which is devoted to  
establishing the area
of "learning" as a focus for transdisciplinary study. The journal's  
goal is to be a forum
centered on learning that remains open to varied objects of enquiry,  
including machine,
human, plant and animal learning as well as the processes of learning  
in business,
government, and the professions, both in informal and formal  
environments. The
audience for this journal is anyone interested in learning,  
understanding its contexts, and
anticipating its future.

The first volume of Learning Inquiry has included papers from a wide  
variety of
perspectives that have helped to frame the discourse we hope the  
journal will engender.
  Our first issue, on the futures of learning included contributions  
from Gary Natriello, Erik
De Corte, Helen Verran, Mark Warschauer, Stuart Moulthrop, Douglas  
Kellner and Heinz
Mandl on Discovery Networks, Metaphysics and Learning, Play, and  
Management. Leonard J. Waks brought together a "Special Issue on  
Listening and
Reflecting" with participation from Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon, Stanton  
Latherine Schultz, Suzanne Rice, Elizabeth Meadows, Megan Laverty,  
Andrea English, A.
G. Rud and Jim Garrison Past and forthcoming contributions cover  
topics as diverse as
  the ethical challenges of training brain surgeons, organizational  
learning theory, futures
of digital learning, music and math, learning and discipline, and  
situated cognition.

Learning Inquiry strives to strike a balance between presenting  
innovative research and
documenting current knowledge to foster a scholarly dialogue on  
learning independent of
domain and methodological restrictions. Learning Inquiry also presents  
special issues that
identify the central areas of learning inquiry to provide focus for  
future research.

Please visit the journal website (http://learning-inquiry.info) for  
more information and to
submit a paper.


Jason Nolan, Ryerson University, CANADA
Jeremy W. Hunsinger, Virginia Tech., USA

Editorial Board:
David Berliner, Arizona State University, USA;
Megan Boler, University of Toronto, CANADA;
Erik De Corte, Catholic University of Leuven, BELGIUM;
Katie Embree, Columbia University, USA;
Charles Ess, Drury University, USA & Norwegian University of Science  
and Technology,
Jim Garrison, Virginia Tech, USA;
Henry Giroux, McMaster University, CANADA;
Mimi Ito, University of Southern California, USA & Keio University,  
Cushla Kapitzke, Queensland University of Technology, AUSTRALIA;
Heinz Mandl, Ludwig Maximilians University, GERMANY;
Rochelle Mazar, University of Toronto/Missisauga, CANADA;
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, CANADA;
Penina Mlama, University of Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA;
Vera Nincic, UNiversiyt of Toronto, CANADA;
Nuria Oliver, Telefonica R&D SPAIN;
K. Ann Renninger, Swarthmore College, USA;
Ingvar Sigurgeirsson, Iceland University of Education, ICELAND;
Susan Stucky, IBM, USA
Joel Weiss, University of Toronto, CANADA
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