[Asis-l] Faculty Position at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

wanda monroe wmonroe at email.unc.edu
Fri Oct 24 11:08:23 EDT 2008

Faculty Position Announcement
Information and Library Science

The School of Information and Library Science at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill invites nominations and applications for a
tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor rank. The
School offers the Bachelor of Science in Information Science, Master of
Science in Information Science, Master of Science in Library Science,
and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The School also offers an
undergraduate minor in information science, a Certificate of Advanced
Studies in Information and Library Science, and a variety of graduate
certificates and dual degrees: http://sils.unc.edu/programs

The faculty seeks an outstanding colleague with significant research and
teaching strengths and potential appropriate to the broad field of
information and library science.

Candidates with a primary interest in one or more of the following areas
are encouraged to apply: Public libraries and cultural institutions,
including topics such as museum informatics, user services, and
collaborations and consortia; and Management, such as financial,
project, and team management, policy and community organizing, and
leadership. Experience in libraries is an asset.

Candidates with additional interest in one or more of the following
areas are encouraged to apply: Social networks and social networking,
such as community informatics, collaboration, and identity-sharing
behavior, or Open culture, such as open access publishing, open science,
and open source communities.

Faculty are expected to engage in research, teach, advise students,
participate in School, University, and professional activities, and
otherwise share their expertise at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

An earned doctorate is required. Candidates should provide evidence of
research and teaching excellence, or potential for excellence, in their
area of expertise.  Salary will be commensurate with qualifications.

Review of applications will begin on 1 December 2008 and will continue
until the position is filled. All applicants must apply online at
http://hr.unc.edu/jobseekers/search.htm, attaching a CV and cover
letter. Any additional documents may be sent to:

Brian Sturm, Search Committee Chairperson
School of Information and Library Science
CB #3360, 100 Manning Hall
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3360

Send e-mail to: sturm at ils.unc.edu or fax:  919-962-8071

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity

Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Informal interviews at ASIST in Columbus can be arranged.

Wanda Monroe
Director of Communications
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
100 Manning Hall
Campus Box 3360
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Phone: 919.843.8337
Web site: sils.unc.edu

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