[Asis-l] Call for Book Reviewers & Announcing a New Reviews Editor: Journal of Web Librarianship

Jody Condit Fagan jcf.lists at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 11:26:40 EDT 2008

Please excuse cross postings!

The Journal of Web Librarianship is pleased to announce Lisa Ennis and Nicole Mitchell as new co-editors of the reviews section beginning with volume 3, issue 1.

Lisa is the Systems Librarian at UAB’s Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences. She received her M.A. in History from Georgia College & State University and her M.S. in Information Sciences from the University of Tennessee. Nicole is a reference librarian at UAB’s Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences. She received her M.A. in History from Georgia College & State University and her M.L.I.S. from the University of Alabama.

We are currently seeking contributors to the reviews section!

The Journal of Web Librarianship scope, which extends to the Reviews section, includes:

    * web page design
    * usability testing of library or library-related sites
    * cataloging or classification of Web information
    * international issues in web librarianship
    * scholars' use of the web
    * information architecture
    * RSS feeds, podcasting, blogs, and other 2.0 technologies,
    * search engines
    * the history of libraries and the web
    * emerging and future aspects of web librarianship.

New reviewers, including MLIS students and recent graduates, are welcome to apply.  If you are interested, please email Lisa and Nicole at jwl.reviews at gmail.com with a copy of your resume, statement of interest, and a writing sample (preferably of a review).

Jody Fagan
Editor, The Journal of Web Librarianship
James Madison University
Preferred email: faganjc at jmu.edu

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