[Asis-l] Discounted Registration Extended

Jill O'Neill jilloneill at nfais.org
Tue May 20 09:59:34 EDT 2008

Registration Discount Ends May 30th for the NFAIS Seminar: The
Information Industry in China:  What You Want and Need to Know.  
The early-bird discount for the NFAIS one-day seminar - The Information
Industry in China:  What You Want and Need to Know - will end in ten
days on Friday, May 30, 2008.  This highly-interactive meeting is
scheduled to be held on June 13, 2008 at PALINET Headquarters in
Philadelphia, PA, from 9:00am to 4:30pm.  In an informal and intimate
venue, you will learn more about the opportunities and challenges
offered by the Information Industry in China, how to protect your
intellectual property in a geographic arena with a reputation for
piracy, and get the chance to ask questions regarding Internet and
online usage in China directly to an expert via live teleconference to
China.  The speakers will be:
*         Dr. James Chan, President, Asia Marketing and Management
<http://www.asiamarketingmanagement.com/> .  Dr Chan will provide
details and practical advice on a range of topics - from current trends
in the Chinese Information Industry, its challenges and opportunities,
and requirements for success. He will also address areas of interest and
specific questions that were submitted to him earlier this year (Click
<http://www.nfais.org/08China_TopicListing.doc>  here to see the list)
*         Jennifer Young, International Trade Specialist, U.S.
Department of Commerce. Ms. Young will provide attendees with practical
advice on the protection of intellectual property in China and an
overview of the resources available to content providers for IP
protection and enforcement.
*         Jack Sun, Sales Director, ISI Emerging markets (China).  Mr.
Sun will be available via live teleconference to answer questions
regarding Internet and online usage in China. 
China is not only a prime market for information products and services,
it is also becoming a major source of information. The percentage of
Chinese-language articles and patents is already increasing while the
percentage of similar English language documents is in decline.  And the
China online service, Baidu.com, Inc., has the third largest share of
the worldwide search engine market - third only to Google and Yahoo!
What does this mean for you as an information or information technology
provider or even as a librarian or information professional who has to
provide access to the world's key information? Take this opportunity to
learn more on China from experts in the field in this small, interactive
venue.  Prior to the seminar, all paid registrants will receive a
written copy of Dr. Chan's answers to the specific questions submitted
earlier this year in order to provide fuel for even more questions
during the session.  Dr. Chan was rated as the top speaker by attendees
of the 2008 NFAIS Annual Conference, so this is an opportunity you will
not want to miss!
The program, registration form, directions to the meeting location, list
of nearby hotels and general Philadelphia information is available at:
Register early, as seating is limited to 50 attendees.  Before May 23,
2008, NFAIS members pay $375 and non-members pay $450 (registration fee
includes continental breakfast, a box lunch and an afternoon refreshment
break).  After May 23, 2008 NFAIS members pay $420 and non-members pay
$495.    For more information contact:  Jill O'Neill, NFAIS Director,
Communication and Planning, 215-893-1561 (phone); 215-893-1564 (fax);
mailto: mailto:jilloneill at nfais.org.   
Founded in 1958, NFAIS is a premier membership organization of more than
60 of the world's leading producers of databases, information services,
and information technology in the sciences, engineering, social
sciences, business, and the arts and humanities.

We Thank Elsevier for their sponsorship of this meeting.
Jill O'Neill
Director, Planning & Communication
(v) 215-893-1561
(email) jilloneill at nfais.org
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