[Asis-l] Association/Organizational Virtual Communities of Practice?

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Tue Feb 5 16:30:05 EST 2008



As many may be aware, there are several changes being considered in the Public Library Association (PLA)  Bylaws.

A major proposed change is the creation of various Communities of Practice to replace PLA committees:

>Communities of Practice will replace many of the PLA Committees. Communities of Practice will be virtual groups that are interest- 
>focused and member-driven. Members will have the power to create groups, as well as morph and/or disband them at their 
>discretion. This will allow all 11,000+ members, many who are not able to travel to in-person committee meetings, to get involved 
>with the organization and the public library issues they care about most. Communities of Practice, should the members choose, will 
>still be able to meet in-person at ALA Annual Conference and Midwinter. 

[ http://www.pla.org/ala/pla/bylawsannouncement.cfm ]

For a forthcoming presentation, I am greatly interest in learning of Any and All Past, Present and/Future Association/Organizational Virtual Communities of Practice, particularly those of the Online Social Networking Kind.

Note: At this time, I am only interested in *Virtual* >>Association / Organizational<< Communities of Practice.

I am also interested in Any and All relevant literature, Web sites, blogs, wikis, etc.

Please respond to this list and ** if at all possible, also submit as a comment on my _Friends_ blog posting***

Association/Organizational Virtual Communities of Practice? 

[ http://onlinesocialnetworks.blogspot.com/2008/02/associationorganizational-virtual.html ]

I will post a summary to the e-List(s) of Any and All submissions to The Blog.


>From a Snowing Central Iowa ...


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu  

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