[Asis-l] Director Position Open at the University of Arizona

Hong cui hong1.cui at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 13:27:17 EST 2008

*University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science*

*Open Director Position*

The School of Information Resources and Library Science (SIRLS) at the

University of Arizona is recruiting for a new Director.  SIRLS is

embarking on the next stage of its development, contingent on availability

of funding, and the successful candidate for the position of Director will

lead efforts to achieve its goals, including: securing support and funding

from local, regional, and national organizations and agencies;

strengthening both the MA, Certificate, and PhD programs; developing

alumni relations; creating a strong and diverse faculty and student body;

and ensuring the long term success of the School.

In recent years, SIRLS has achieved a firm financial base through a State

Board-approved fee structure and has received a full seven-year

accreditation from the ALA Committee on Accreditation. The faculty has

grown and is active in research. The school has received Institute of

Museum and Library Science (IMLS) grants for its nationally acclaimed

diversity program, Knowledge River; for a distance education program

reaching support staff in small and rural libraries; and for the launch of

a certificate program in Digital Information Management. Recently, IMLS

has funded a research project to understand what makes an effective and

authentic learning experience with advanced information technologies in a

virtual computer laboratory.

This position will be exciting for a senior faculty member who would like

to lead the school to increasingly prominent levels in research,

innovative teaching and learning, and in digital information management

and curation, all within an inclusive atmosphere of diversity and cultural


To apply online, and to read a full job description, go to


and then click on 'apply for UA jobs.'  Select 'administration' as the

type of position, then 'Sch of Info Res & Lib Sci' as the department.

Message posted by:

Hong Cui, Ph.D

Assistant Professor, Information Technology

School of Information Resources and Library Science

University of Arizona

On behalf of:

Main office

School of Information Resources and Library Science

University of Arizona
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