[Asis-l] Student Chapters of the Year
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Tue Oct 9 14:06:01 EDT 2007
Its a tie!
The Student Chapter of the Year Award has two winners this year! The Award
will be shared between the student chapters at Simmons College and UCLA. A
hearty congratulations to both chapters!
The Student Chapter of the Year Award Committee would like to recognize the
many accomplishments of all Chapters that submitted reports for the award.
Everyone should be very proud of their many accomplishments. The committee
was very impressed with all report submissions.
UCLA student chapter
The UCLA student chapter engaged in a significant number of activities for
its first re-active year. It was very impressive. The chapter is also
noteworthy for its use of new media for communications, online presence, and
workshop/activity topics. Their relationship with LACASIS bodes well for the
health of ASIS&T because it provides a clear link through which students
will continue to be involved after they graduate. This chapter demonstrated
a plan for retention of members, in addition to recruiting new members. They
had many excellent programs and interaction with other groups.
Current membership is 37, a great increase from the 6 members at the
beginning of the years. So, they were able to recruit 21 new members.
The number of events and workshops from both chapter was outstanding:
UCLA held 27 events, and had 8 meetings with cooperative ventures. Some of
these events and workshops included a six-part career development series
called Career Fest 2007 in which they introduced a variety of information
professions, a NetVibes Mini-Workshop in which they introduced students to
the NetVibes technology for creating virtual reference portals. They also
had movie nights, topic panels, and journal groups.
Simmons College student chapter
One committee member remarked that the Simmons chapter has found a way to
its members' minds -- through their stomachs! The Simmons chapter has also
done a good job retaining membership numbers. Their chapter activities take
wonderful advantage of the resources available to Simmons because of its
geography and academic connections (within and outside Simmons). Their
chapter activities are offered consistently and reflect current interests of
students and practitioners. the Simmons chapter maintains consistent
communications and uses current media for communications. The chapter gave
and received awards during the 2006-7 reporting year.
Simmons held a total of 71 meetings, events and workshopsthis included 8
meetings, 16 events, 47 workshops over the Fall and Spring semesters.
Emerging Technologies Workshops covered topics such as XHTML &CSS, Wikis,
User interface design, Podcasting and Internet Radio, Setting up an RSS
Aggregator, etc. Members assisted students in holding an Advising Day for
incoming GSLIS students, and Speed Geeking II, in which five panelists spoke
to small groups of 3 or 4 about technology related jobs.
Current membership is 39, a slight decrease from the 44 previous, however
they recruited 28 new members, and retained 11.
Who is and was Responsible?
Jean-François Blanchette, Faculty Advisor
Gregory H. Leazer, Faculty Advisor
Andrea Lynch, LACASIS Student Chapter Advisor
Grace Lau, Chair
Monique Escamilla, Vice-Chair
Lua Gregory, Secretary-Treasurer
Jill Detrick, Programs Lead
Ashley Burdick, Social Chair
John Khuu, Social Chair and Webmaster
Tommy Keswick, Assembly Representative
Matthew Wittmer, Alternate Representative
Shilpa Rele, Webmaster
Chair: Jennifer Lege and Alison Cody
Vice-Chair: Alison Cody, Ellen Wilson, and Jennifer Langley
Secretary/Treasurer: Michael Klein, Ben Florin
Newsletter Editor/Publications Chair/(Web Manager: Joanna Weston
Faculty Advisor: Candy Schwartz, Sheila Denn
Mt. Holyoke Coordinator: Adam Novitt
NEASIS&T LiaisonSally LeGore
Congratulations again to both chapters!
Shawne D. Miksa
October 9, 2007
ASIST Student Chapter Representative
Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
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