[Asis-l] FW: [KMDG-L] New DC Community: DCMI Knowledge Management Community

Marianne Afifi marianne.afifi at csun.edu
Mon Nov 19 20:53:28 EST 2007

---- Original message ----
>Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 20:39:02 -0800 (PST)
>From: Mary Woodley <mary.woodley at csun.edu>
>Subject: [KMDG-L] New DC Community: DCMI Knowledge Management Community
>To: <kmdg-l at infoserv.inist.fr>, Knowledge Management <kmdl-l at csun.edu>
>Cc: Johannes.Keizer at fao.org, Makx Dekkers <makx at MAKXDEKKERS.COM>
>Please excuse any duplication. Feel free to share.
>We want to invite you to a new DC Community: DCMI Knowledge Management Community
>At the meeting of the DCMI Global Corporate Circle at DC-2007 in Singapore it was suggested to re-focus the group from its charter that places the main attention on application of Dublin Core metadata in corporate environments to a more general focus on Knowledge Management.
>      DC-KM is a community for those people who are implementing DC for knowledge management in academic settings, governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), companies and international organizations. We want to facilitate collaboration between developers and information providers to ensure interoperability of applications to facilitate reuse, awareness, cooperation and learning within and among organizations.
>    In this context, Knowledge Management is a bridge the gap between Digital Libraries and semantic Web applications; between the social knowledge networking of Web 2.0 initiatives with formal semantic knowledge representations.
>We will develop a body of work that provides best practices, case studies and examples of how Dublin Core methodology is applied and implemented in knowledge management.  Examples include what elements are used, how they are interpreted, values/controlled vocabularies, tagging methods and return on investment (ROI). We are asking for input for a list of open issues and we will publish a list of them and a workplan within the end of the year.
>    We are planning a session of the community for DC 2008 in Berlin
>    The group is moderated by Mary Woodley of the California State University Northridge and Johannes Keizer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome. Johannes has also become a member of the DCMI Advisory Board.
>Moderator:  Mary Woodley  California State
> University Northridge  USA        Johannes Keizer  FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  Italy
>Mary S. Woodley, Ph.D.
>Collection Development Coordinator
>California State University, Northridge
>Northridge CA 91330-8328
>mary.woodley at csun.edu
>voice (818) 677-2261 fax: (818) 677-4928

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