[Asis-l] Accessible design for the web / NORASIST annual meeting Sept 17, Cleveland Hts. OH

Penny OConnor pjo at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 21 18:35:12 EDT 2007

Annual Business Meeting and Program
NORASIST, the Northern Ohio Chapter, 
American Society for Information Science and Technology

Accessible Design for the Web:
Legal Requirements, Standards, and Design Tips

David Robins
Assistant Professor, Kent State University
Information Architecture and Knowledge Management

Monday, September 17. 2007
6-8 p.m. We will elect officers for 2007/2008
Join us at the newly-renovated 
Cleveland Heights University Heights Public Library
2345 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
We will tour the library following the program

One year ago, a federal judge ruled that retail stores with an online
presence can be sued if their web site is not accessible to the blind.
Although federal law (Section 508 of the American Rehabilitation Act)
pertains primarily to federal agencies, it is now obvious that all
organizations with a web presence are subject to legal recourse in content
on their web sites is not accessible. Dr Robins will discuss legal
requirements and standards for accessibility, and how to design sites that
are accessible. 

David B. Robins is an Assistant Professor in the Interdisciplinary Program
in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management at Kent State
University. He teaches courses in information design, information
architecture, usability and content management systems. He is conducting
research in usability, and the impact of aesthetics on web site credibility
and usability. Dr. Robins has an undergraduate degree from Colorado State
University (Bachelor of Fine Arts), a Master of Science (Library Science)
from the University of North Texas, and a Ph.D. in Information Science from
the University of North Texas.

For Reservations, contact: Penny O'Connor, 4534 Grayton Road, Cleveland OH
44135 (216)676-4859 pjo at earthlink.net

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