[Asis-l] Call for nominations - Chemical Info Award

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu Sep 28 13:52:34 EDT 2006

[Forwarded by request.  Dick Hill]

Call for Nominations: The Patterson-Crane Award
Do you have a colleague whom you feel should be acknowledged for their work
in chemical information?  The Dayton and Columbus Sections of the American
Chemical Society, which sponsor the Patterson-Crane Award, would like to
hear from you. The biennial award consists of a $2,000 honorarium and a
personalized commendation and is to be presented in the Spring of 2007 at an
awards dinner to be held in Columbus, Ohio.  The recipient is expected to
give an address at the time of the award presentation.
Award Criteria
Nominees, who need not hold ACS membership, should demonstrate outstanding
achievement in the field of chemical information science.  Contributions of
international significance may relate to:
•       Design, development, production, or management of chemical
information systems or services.
•       Electronic access to and retrieval of chemical information;
critically evaluated data compilations.
•       Information technology applications in chemistry or other
significant chemical documentation, including production of original works,
editorial work, or chemical library work. 
Nominations for the award must be in writing and may be sent either  hard
copy or via email.  
They should discuss the nominee's contributions to the field as well as an
evaluation of accomplishments.  Materials supporting the nomination should
include a biography and bibliography of publications and presentations. 
Seconding letters are required and may also be sent either hard copy or via
Send the nomination materials to Dr. Theresa Huston, Chair of the
Patterson-Crane Award Committee, (thuston at cas.org or CAS, P.O. Box 3012,
Columbus OH 43210) for receipt by 31 January 2007.  To receive more
information about this award, contact Dr. Huston (614-447-3600, ext. 3354 or
thuston at cas.org).
Nominations will be judged by a seven-member selection committee consisting
of Dayton and Columbus Section members as well as the Chair of the American
Chemical Society's Division of Chemical Information.
The Patterson-Crane Award is international in scope and given in honor of
two outstanding members of the Sections: Austin M. Patterson (1876–1956) and
E.J. Crane (1889–1966), who were both Editors of Chemical Abstracts Service.

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