[Asis-l] Email curation: practical approaches for long-term preservation and access

Joy Davidson british.editor at erpanet.org
Thu Mar 2 07:33:32 EST 2006

***Apologies for cross-posting***

DCC Workshop
Email curation: practical approaches for long-term preservation and access
April 24th-25th, 2006
Grey Street Hotel, Newcastle

The Digital Curation Centre is pleased to announce that it will be
delivering a two-day workshop on the long-term curation of emails. This
event will be held in Newcastle on April 24th and 25th, 2006.

The increasing use of email has drastically changed the way that many
organisations work. To provide evidential value and to ensure legal
compliance, it is essential that traditional record-keeping practices are
applied to the management and preservation of emails. This often requires a
cultural change in organisational practices, which can be exceedingly
difficult to implement. In addition, there are a range of technical issues
that can impact the long-term viability and re-usability of emails. This
workshop will investigate some of the organisational, cultural, and
technical issues that must be addressed to provide accountability in the
short term and to ensure that emails can be located, retrieved, accessed,
and re-used over time.

Benefits of Attendance:
The workshop will be of benefit to individuals and institutions that are
interested in applying a records management approach to the long-term
management of their emails. The workshop will also help to illustrate the
potential legal benefits associated with the long-term management and re-use
of emails.

This workshop will begin at 13:00 on Monday, April 24th and conclude at
17:00 on Tuesday April 25th, 2006.

The workshop will be delivered over three sessions. The first will examine
the concept of emails as records focusing on cultural and organizational
issues. The second session will review current applications and practical
approaches to preserving emails over time. The third session will explore
some of the issues surrounding use and re-use of emails. A breakout session
on the afternoon of day two will allow participants the chance to discuss
some of the workshop themes in greater detail and to problem-solve as a

Key themes include:
-Classification of emails as records
-Overview of records management processes with regards to the long-term
preservation and accessibility of emails
-Overview of email management and preservation activities being undertaken
-Practical applications of preservation processes
-Evidential value and research benefits associated with archiving emails

Programme Committee:
-Seamus Ross, DCC Associate Director Services
-Joy Davidson, DCC Training Coordinator
-Maureen Pennock, DCC Researcher and Advisor

The venue for this event will be the Grey Street Hotel, Newcastle. For more
information on the venue please see
http://www.greystreethotel.com/index.htm. Wireless internet access will be
provided free of charge in the workshop meeting space for participants.

Travel Instructions
Please see http://www.greystreethotel.com/hotel-location.htm for information
on the location of Grey Street Hotel. Print-friendly travel directions can
be downloaded from http://www.greystreethotel.com/hotel-directions.htm

There are a limited number of rooms available on-site at Grey Street Hotel
(http://www.greystreethotel.com/hotel-booking.htm). A list of additional
accommodation options for prospective participants may be obtained from

Registration fees are £100 for DCC Associates Network members and £150 for
non-members. These fees include all workshop materials and handouts, dinner
on the 24th, lunch on the 25th, and refreshments.

Membership of the DCC Associates Network is free and more information on
becoming a member can be found at http://www.dcc.ac.uk/network.html.

Joy Davidson
DCC Training Coordinator and ERPANET British Editor
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII)
George Service House, 11 University Gardens,
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QJ
Tel: +44(0)141 330 8592
Fax: +44(0)141 330 3788

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