[Asis-l] Text Analytics e-mail list

Seth Grimes grimes at altaplana.com
Fri Jul 21 22:46:45 EDT 2006

Please join a new Text Analytics e-mail list by sending a message to
TextAnalytics-subscribe at yahoogroups.com or visiting
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TextAnalytics .  Here's our list

Text Analytics describes a class of computer software and processes for
Knowledge Discovery in Text.

Text Analytics applies linguistic, statistical, and machine learning
techniques to discern and annotate "features" -- terms, entities, facts &
concepts -- in textual information sources, to extract these features,
discover patterns and relationships, and support exploratory and automated
analyses of document sets and the knowledge they contain.

Text Analytics is often applied in conjunction with Business Intelligence
and Data Mining, which has traditionally been called Knowledge Discovery
in Data. The field covers information delivery including Visualisation; it
includes Natural Language Processing; and it overlaps information
Categorization and Classification and Semantic Analysis -- work with
Taxonomies and Ontologies -- as well as Consumer and Enterprise Search.

This list hosts discussion of Text Analytics and related technologies,
marketing, and implementation. Researchers, vendors, consultants, and end
users are all invited to participate.



Seth Grimes   Alta Plana Corp, analytical computing & data management
              Intelligent Enterprise magazine (CMP), Contributing Editor
grimes at altaplana.com       http://altaplana.com    301-270-0795

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