[Asis-l] SIGIR 2006: cfp for Doctoral Consortium

Efthimis Efthimiadis efthimis at u.washington.edu
Mon Feb 27 14:42:38 EST 2006

Call for Papers for Doctoral Consortium


Doctoral consortium papers must be submitted by March 10, 2006. 

The Doctoral Consortium provides doctoral students with a unique
opportunity to discuss their proposed PhD research with experienced IR
researchers and other doctoral students. The objectives of the Doctoral
Consortium are: 

To provide a forum where doctoral students can discuss their proposed
research with experienced IR researchers (members of Doctoral Consortium
Program Committee) and other students 
To give students an opportunity to interact one-on-one with experienced
IR researchers. 
To give students an opportunity to establish a supportive community of
other students at the same stage as themselves. 
The Consortium will take place on the same day as the Tutorials Day,
with the format: student presentations with plenary discussions, lunch,
individual meetings with experienced researchers, and dinner. 

Prospective student attendees should have written, or be close to
completing, a thesis proposal. Please discuss this with your PhD
advisor/supervisor to ensure you meet this criterion. 

Attendance at the Doctoral Consortium will be based on a written paper,
singly authored by the student wishing to attend the Consortium.
Abstracts of the papers will be published in the SIGIR Conference

Papers must be submitted electronically, via the submission web page. We
will accept papersonly in PDFformat. It is the responsibility of authors
to ensure that their papers use no unusual format features and are
printable on a standard printer. PDF submissions must arrive by March
10, 2006. 

You are permitted, and indeed encouraged, to submit a full SIGIR paper
or poster on your research. However, attendance at the Consortium will
be based solely on the paper you submit for the Consortium. 

SIGIR will provide travel grants for students attending the Consortium,
which will cover registration for the Consortium and part of the travel

Content guidelines
Your paper will be the basis for detailed discussions at the Consortium,
and to get the most out of the discussion, your paper should include the

motivation for the proposed research 
background and related work (with key references) 
description of proposed research including main research questions 
research methodology and proposed experiments (where appropriate) 
particular issues which you want to highlight for discussion 
In addition, a one page Appendix to the paper (placed after the
references) should include the following: 
a detailed statement by the student saying why he/she wants to attend
the Consortium 
a statement by your advisor/supervisor saying how you would benefit by
attending the Consortium. Advisors should also state that the student
has written, or is close to completing, a thesis proposal (or
All papers will be reviewed with respect to overall quality of
presentation, the potential for future impact of the proposed PhD
research on the field of Information Retrieval, and the likely benefit
to the student of attending the Consortium. Given that the abstract will
be published, the abstract will be critically reviewed. 

Effectively, the same format is used for Consortium papers as for full
SIGIR papers. LaTeX and Word templates for SIGIR submissions are
available from the ACM Website. The first page must contain the title of
the paper, full author name, affiliation and contact details, and an
abstract of up to 250 words, and up to 3 topic areas. The papers will be
reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee.
The final version of the paper should be no more than 5 double-column
pages in the standard SIGIR format, including all figures and
bibliography, but not including the appendix. All correspondence with
the author will be through email. 

All Consortium paper submissions must include a set of ACM Computing
Reviews categories and keywords that describe the contents of the paper.
These categories and keywords must appear after the Abstract and before
the Introduction. Information about selecting and formatting categories
and keywords can be found in ACM Web pages on how to use the computing
classification system and in the LaTeX and Word templates. 

Essentially, the format for Consortium papers follows almost exactly
that for full papers, and provides useful experience in preparing papers
for the SIGIR Conference. Note, the accepted papers will not be
published in the SIGIR Conference Proceedings; only the abstracts will
be published. 

The Consortium co-chairs are Wanda Pratt mailto:wpratt at u.washington.edu
(University of Washington, USA) and Nick Belkin
mailto:nick at belkin.rutgers.edu (Rutgers University, USA). 

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Efthimis N. Efthimiadis <efthimis at u.washington.edu>
Associate Professor    
The Information School, University of Washington       
Suite 370 Mary Gates Hall, Box 352840     
Seattle, WA 98195-2840, USA     
tel.(off.) 206-616-6077, (sch) 206-685-9937, fax. 206-616-3152
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

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