[Asis-l] CORIA '06 & intl IS issues

Caryn Anderson caryn.anderson at simmons.edu
Mon Feb 13 08:58:51 EST 2006

Dear Colleagues,

At the request of Michel Menou, I share the attached 
announcement/reminder of the 3rd French speaking conference on 
information retrieval and its application (CORIA '06) in March.

The request came to me by relay, through another colleague, as Michel is 
currently in a part of the world where internet access is limited. It 
made me stop and reflect on how easy it can be to forget the vast 
numbers of our fellow citizens around the globe who are only marginally 
or intermittently "connected" to the rest of us. They have information 
needs and information researchers and information professionals too. I 
think it is useful, when we are drawing conclusions from our research 
and creating information applications from those conclusions, to 
periodically reflect thoughtfully on the boundaries of our perspective 
and consider when and how they might be expanded (by language, nation, 
culture, socio-economic status - to name a few).

The conference below is also listed (with many more around the globe) in 
the International Calendar of Information Science Conferences 


Caryn Anderson
Program Coordinator
PhD in Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions
GSLIS, Simmons College
300 The Fenway, P-204E
Boston, MA  02115
caryn.anderson at simmons.edu


Appel à participation CORIA'2006

« COnférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications » Lyon, 15-17 
mars 2006

Les thèmes de la conférence ainsi qu'une version préliminaire du 
programme sont disponibles sur le site de la conférence :


Supported by:

Association française de Recherche d'Information et Application, (ARIA)

CNRS, Centre national de Recherche Scientifique


Région Rhône-Alpes

Université Claude Bernard , Lyon 1

Conference Chairs:

Jacques SAVOY, University of Neuchatel



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