[Asis-l] RE: Extension of deadline for Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice (A-LIEP)

Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher (Assoc Prof) ASSGKHOO at ntu.edu.sg
Mon Sep 12 04:44:16 EDT 2005

The deadline for paper proposals for the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice (A-LIEP) has been extended to 30th Sep. 2005.

The conference date has been brought forward 1-day to 3-6 April 2006.

English is the main language of the conference. However, the conference also has a Chinese (Mandarin) track and a Malay/Indonesian language track. PhD and research students are encouraged to submit papers to the Doctoral Seminar.

Best wishes,
-- chris khoo
School of Communication & Information
Nanyang Technological University

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

  "Preparing Information Professionals for Leadership in the New Age"
                  Singapore, 3-6 April 2006
         (URL: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sci/a-liep)   

Organized by Division of Information Studies, School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,

In collaboration with Department of Information Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya,and Nanyang Technological University Library.

The conference will take place on the garden campus of the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, on 3-6 April 2006.

This is the week after the CONSAL XIII conference in Manila (http://www.consal13.up.edu.ph/index.html).


* Is there a uniquely Asia-Pacific perspective of library and information science? 

* What are the challenges facing librarians and information professionals in the Asia-Pacific region? 

* How are library schools preparing LIS professionals for leadership roles?

* What research is needed to support the LIS profession?

* How can practice, research and education be integrated to deliver high-quality information services?

These and other questions will be addressed at the Conference, with an emphasis on issues relevant to Asia-Pacific countries. The conference will survey, accumulate and synthesize the experiences and insights of LIS educators, researchers and practitioners, and provide opportunities for scholarly exchanges and knowledge-sharing between academics and practitioners through paper presentations, panel discussions and workshops.

We invite educators, researchers, and professionals in library and information science to submit paper proposals relevant to the three themes:   

* Challenges in LIS education in the Asia-Pacific context * Preparing LIS graduates for leadership and management roles to support national and economic development in Asia * Quality assurance and accreditation of LIS programs in Asia * Collaboration and resource sharing among LIS schools * E-learning in LIS education * Research-based teaching * Survey of LIS graduates: impact of LIS education on the work and career of graduates, competencies found useful * The job market for LIS professionals. Careers in traditional and non-traditional environments.
* Continuing education needs of LIS professionals
* Evidence-based librarianship. Grounding library and information practice on research. Integrating LIS research and practice * LIS professionals as teachers and trainers. User education and information literacy for life-long learning * Role of LIS professionals in non-traditional contexts. Changing roles in traditional contexts * Competency standards for library and information services * Knowledge management and librarians * Strategic marketing of information services * Roles and challenges for school media specialists in Asia-Pacific
* LIS research issues in the Asia-Pacific context * Valuation of library/information services. Measurement of the impact and value of information services and products to an organization * Models and theories of user information needs and behaviour, and application in the design of information services & systems * Design, development and evaluation of digital information repositories * Issues in digital reference services, and comparisons with traditional reference services


The main language of the conference is English. 

In addition to English, conference will accept papers in two other languages -- Chinese (Mandarin) and Malay/Indonesian. All papers and paper proposals must include an English abstract.

PhD and research students are encouraged to submit papers to the Doctoral Seminar.


Deadline for submission of abstracts/paper proposals:  15 Sep 2005 (extended to 30 Sep 2005) Notification of acceptance of paper proposals:  15 Oct 2005 Full papers/short papers due:  15 Jan 2006

Paper proposals must include:
* an extended abstract in English of 500 to 1000 words * a cover page listing 
   - the proposed paper title
   - whether the proposal is submitted to the English Track, Chinese Track, Malay/Indonesian Track or Doctoral Seminar (all paper proposals must include an English abstract)
   - the name(s), affiliations and email addresses of the authors
   - the postal address, phone number and fax number of the corresponding author

Paper proposals will be peer-reviewed, and will be accepted as full papers (of length between 4,000 and 6,000 words, or 8-12 pages single-spaced) or short papers (of length no more than 3,000 words).

* Papers accepted for presentation will be published in a printed conference proceedings.
* Selected research papers on LIS education will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Education for Library and Information Science.
* Selected papers in the LIS research track will be published in a special issue of the LIBRES electronic journal.
* Selected papers on LIS practice will be published in a special issue of the Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management.

Please submit paper proposals by email to both Dr Chris Khoo (assgkhoo at ntu.edu.sg) and Dr Diljit Singh (diljit at um.edu.my). 


Researchers and scholars are also invited to apply for the Asian Communication Resource Centre (ACRC) Fellowship, which involves a 3-month stay at the Nanyang Technological University. More information can be found at: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sci/research/acrc.html.



Abdus Sattar Chaudhry (Head, Division of Information Studies, School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)


Schubert Foo (Vice Dean, School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Choy Fatt Cheong (University Librarian, Nanyang Technological University)

Diljit Singh (Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia)

Ngian Lek Choh (Director, National Library)

Sylvia Yap (President, Library Association of Singapore; Director, National University of Singapore Llibraries)


Christopher Khoo, Co-chair (School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Diljit Singh, Co-chair (Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia)

Anita Sundaram Coleman (School of Information Resources & Library Science, University of Arizona, USA)

Brendan Luyt (School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Chern Li Liew (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Chihfeng P. Lin (Graduate School of Information & Communications, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan)

Kanwal Ameen (Department of Library & Information Science, University of Punjab, Pakistan)

Kerry Smith (Curtin University, Australia)

Koti S. Raghavan (Documentation Research & Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute,India)

L. Sulistyo-Basuki (Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, Indonesia)

Laili Hj. Hashim (Faculty of Information Management, University Technology MARA

Lee-Wang Cheng Yeng (Library Association of Singapore, Singapore)

Makiko Miwa (National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan)

Mark Hepworth (Loughborough University, UK)

Paul W.T. Poon (University of Macau Library, Macau, China)

Ross Harvey (School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Sajjad ur Rehman (Department of Library & Information Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait)

Sam Oh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

Shigeo Sugimoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Sujin Butdisuwan (Faculty of Informatics, Mahasarakham University, Thailand)

Susan Higgins (School of Library and Information Science, The University of Southern Mississippi, USA)

Wang Yuguang (Department of Library and Information Management, Peking University, Beijing, China)


M. Shaheen Majid, Chair (School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)


Margaret Tan (School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

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