[Asis-l] Simmons Seeks New Faculty

Candy Schwartz candy.schwartz at simmons.edu
Wed Oct 19 09:53:20 EDT 2005

[Apologies for duplication - I sent this to ASIS-L and JESSE - it
hasn't yet gone to other media. Applications and inquiries do not
go to me (see below), but I will be at ASIST in Charlotte, so do
contact me if you would like to meet there for a chat -- Candy]

Full-Time Tenure Track Openings
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons

GSLIS invites applicants and nominations for full-time
tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor level.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Teach, conduct research, and contribute to
developing curriculum in one or more of the following general

* Collection development and management
* Evaluation of services and research methods
* Managerial leadership
* School media services
* Reference sources and services
* Technology (e.g., telecommunications and networking,
human-computer interaction, digital and hybrid libraries,
database management)

QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to applicants who have
already earned a terminal degree in library and information
science or an appropriate related field, can demonstrate
excellence in teaching, and have potential for leadership in
scholarship and professional service.

Salary negotiable, commensurate with experience and
qualifications. Opportunities are available for summer teaching,
teaching in the GSLIS program at the Mount Holyoke College campus
in South Hadley, Massachusetts, and continuing education
institutes. Simmons College participates in TIAA/CREF and offers
excellent benefits packages, including tuition reimbursement for
dependents at Simmons and other institutions.

Send letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and the names of
three references to: Professor Peter Hernon, Chair, Committee on
Rank, Tenure and Appointments, GSLIS, Simmons College, 300 The
Fenway, Boston, MA 02115-5898, or e-mail:
peter.hernon at simmons.edu. Review of applicants will continue
until the positions are filled.

Simmons College is strongly committed to diversity and values
candidates who bring a variety of backgrounds and experiences to
our community.

For more information, please visit us at www.simmons.edu/gslis/

October 2005

Candy Schwartz
Simmons College GSLIS, 300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115-5898, USA
Vox: 617.521.2849; Fax: 617.521.3192
candy.schwartz at simmons.edu

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