[Asis-l] Announcing Cretsos Leadership Award Winner: KTL Vaughan
Penny OConnor
pjo at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 13 13:58:30 EDT 2005
James Cretsos Leadership Award goes to K.T.L. Vaughan, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill
This year's choice for the James M. Cretso's award's contributions to the
organization began while she was a student when she joined the Constitution
and Bylaws Committee in 2000. She was the recipient of the SIG/STI -
Chemical Abstracts Service Student Travel Award, 2000. As is often the case
with these awards, the recipient rewarded her benefactors with her energetic
and significant contributions. She agreed to chair SIG/STI her first year
as a non student member. Members of that SIG attribute her contributions to
the revitalization of the SIG as a major factor in SIG/STI being named SIG
of the year in 2002 and again in 2004. In 2001 she began organizing programs
and presenting papers at annual. She has done one or the other at every
meeting since then. She's been a dynamic force in the SIG : in leading the
annual planning meetings, recruiting new officers, and helping to coordinate
SIG RUSH to recruit new members. Attendance at the planning meetings has
grown, in part due to her active promotion of the SIG.
She has been an active and enthusiastic participant in the
Constitution and Bylaws Committee since 2000, the leadership committee since
2003 and was a member of the Annual Meeting Program Committee in 2004.
She was a member of the Digital Archives for Science &
Engineering Resources (DASER) Summit Program Committee, 2002-2003. She
organized a panel for that meeting and moderated it. She's been proactive in
maintaining the necessary partnerships for the Trisociety partnership and
participated in the Trisociety (SLA, ACS, and ASIST) Symposium for Chemical
Information in June of 2002.
Her infectious energy and ebullient personality endear her to
her colleagues and recruits. She actively fosters collaborative research to
present to the society. The jury is happy to confer the James M. Cretsos
award to KTL Vaughn.
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