[Asis-l] Winners of New ASIST SIG USE Awards - 2005

Karen Fisher fisher at u.washington.edu
Fri Nov 4 09:02:59 EST 2005

SIG USE is delighted to announce the winners of six inaugural awards
that were presented at the 2005 ASIST conference: 

Outstanding Contribution to Information Behavior Research Award
Brenda Dervin
Professor of Communication & Joan N. Huber Fellow in Social and
Behavioral Sciences
Ohio State University

Elfreda A. Chatman Research Proposal Award 
Crystal Fulton
University College Dublin
"Leisurely Pursuits: Community and Social Inclusion through Irish

Best Information Behavior Conference Paper
Michael Summers (Nielsen Norman Group) & Kathryn Summers (University of
Reading and navigational strategies of web users with lower literacy

Meritorious Information Behavior Conference Paper

Diane Nahl
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Affective and cognitive information behavior: Interaction effects in
Internet use

Katy Newton Lawley, Dagobert Soergel, and Xiaoli Huang
University of Maryland
Relevance criteria used by teachers in selecting oral history materials

Best Information Behavior Conference Poster
Theresa D. Anderson
University of Technology, Sydney
Relevance assessment as an everyday experience

Meritorious Information Behavior Conference Poster
Kyung-Sun Kim
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Experienced web users' search behavior: Effects of focus and emotion as
control factors

Carol F. Landry
University of Washington
Work roles, tasks and the information behavior of dentists

Student Travel Awards 

Abe Crystal
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Tawnya Means
University of Missouri-Columbia

For more information about these awards, please visit the SIG USE
website:  http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGUSE

Best wishes,
Karen Fisher
Past Chair, SIG USE 2004-05

Dr. Karen E. Fisher
Associate Professor & Chair, MLIS Program
The Information School
University of Washington
Box 352840
Seattle, WA  98195-2840
Voice: (206) 543-6238; Fax: (206) 616-3152 fisher at u.washington.edu

Visit IBEC: Information Behavior in Everyday Contexts

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