[Asis-l] Grid Technologies for Digital Libraries - A DELOS Tutorial at the EGEE Conference in Athens, Greece, April 16, 2005

Francesca Borri francesca.borri at isti.cnr.it
Wed Mar 23 11:49:37 EST 2005

Apologies to those who may receive this announcement on more than one
mailing list.

Please circulate the announcement below to other interested persons and
communities. Thank you


Digital libraries are now moving far beyond any connotation of the term
"library", and are rapidly shifting towards more general systems,
sometimes known as Dynamic Universal Knowledge Environments. A major
advantage of these environments is that they will permit groups of
individuals, collaborating together to achieve a common goal, to access,
discuss and enhance on-line shared complex, multimedia, multitype
digital information objects.

A radical change in current Digital Library systems is needed if we want
to be able to provide these new collaborative environments. New
technologies  must be investigated to support their implementation and
new organizational and development models must be introduced.  

By providing a framework that supports a highly coordinated sharing of
resources where large computational and storage capabilities can be
exploited, the Grid is one of the most interesting candidate basic
technologies for building these new generation digital library systems.

In order to present the current status of the most advanced Grid
technologies and the opportunities they offer for digital libraries the
DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, in collaboration with
the EC projects EGEE and DILIGENT, organises a tutorial on "Grid
Technologies for Digital Libraries". 

The tutorial will be held in Athens in conjunction with the Third EGEE
conference on 16th April 2005. The scientific programme of the tutorial
is available at the address
Information about registration can be found at the address

The registration fee is 30 Euro. It includes coffee breaks and lunch.
Francesca Borri
via G. Moruzzi 1
56124 Pisa, Italy
Tel: +39 050 315 3470
Fax: +39 050 315 3464
E-mail: francesca.borri at isti.cnr.it

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