[Asis-l] Potential new SIG on Blogs, Wikis & Podcasting

S.Webber S.Webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Jun 23 09:34:06 EDT 2005


I was of the "two dozen" that expressed interest. Firstly, I agree 
that "social software" would be a good umbrella term.

Secondly, I'd hope that this might be a mostly-virtual SIG, focused 
on a blog and/or wiki, and therfore probably more accessible and 
valuable to me than some of the other SIGs (based as I am in 
Europe and mostly not able to get even to the Annual meeting in 
the USA)

Thirdly is just gut feeling, but I would hazard a guess that a lot of 
the people who would like a blog or wiki SIG are people for who 
blogging etc. is something they just like doing (or even, dare I say, 
a compulsion - at least it's a bit like that for me). Therefore, 
although I think bloggers particularly like blogging their own blog, 
they are also people who like doing stuff on the web. Having a 
virtual Social Software SIG that I could contribute to and learn from 
would be sort of cool. As I said, this is just totally subjective gut 

Sheila Webber, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
, Sheffield S1 
4DP, UK.
Email s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Tel. (0044) 0114 222 2641
Fax 0114 278 0300
The Information Literacy Weblog: http://ciquest.shef.ac.uk/infolit/

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