[Asis-l] FW: LITA names UNT's William Moen winner of 2005 Kilgour Award

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Mon Jun 20 14:18:42 EDT 2005

[Forwarded.  Dick Hill]

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From: Roddy Wolper [mailto:rwolper at unt.edu] 
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 2:21 PM
To: Roddy Wolper
Subject: LITA names UNT's William Moen winner of 2005 Kilgour Award

June 20, 2005

Contact: Roddy Wolper
(940) 565-2943 or
(940) 565-2108
rwolper at unt.edu 

LITA names UNT's William Moen winner of 2005 Kilgour Award

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- Dr. William E. Moen, associate professor in the
School of Library and Information Sciences and interim director of the Texas
Center for Digital Knowledge at the University of North Texas, is the 2005
winner of the Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and
Information Technology.

Presented annually by the Library and Information Technology Association - a
division of the American Library Association - and the Online Computer
Library Center, Inc., the award recognizes persons who have amassed a
significant body of research in the field of library and information
technology. This award recognizes research that results in a positive and
substantive impact on the publication, storage, retrieval and dissemination
of information.

The award was established to honor the achievements of Frederick G. Kilgour,
the founder of OCLC and a seminal figure in library automation.

"The Kilgour Award Committee is pleased to acknowledge the work of William
Moen, whose research into protocols and standards for information retrieval,
and investigations into interoperability and metadata utilization, are
making important contributions to improving the ways library systems
communicate," said Heidi Hanson, chair of the LITA award committee.

Moen's research into the evolution of the Z39.50 protocol for information
retrieval as a means to address the complex challenges of intersystem
communication was followed by his participation in the group that developed
the Bath Profile. The Bath Profile, an internationally registered Z39.50
profile, is designed to provide effective interoperability between
electronic library catalogs and other database applications. Implemented by
library automation vendors in a number of countries, application of the Bath
Profile has improved search and retrieval of electronic information
resources worldwide.

Serving as chair of a National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
standards committee, Moen continued his work on standards with the
development of the U.S. National Z39.50 Profile for Library Applications
(ANSI/NISO Z39.89), which uses the Bath Profile as a core subset.
Implementation of the U.S. National Profile by systems developers will
improve interoperability among diverse library bibliographic systems.

Moen's most recent research activity focuses on examining current metadata
practices to inform future metadata use. Building upon an earlier
investigation conducted by Moen to assess the utilization of the rich
encoding and content designation scheme of the MARC 21 Format for
Bibliographic Data, Moen and co-researcher Shawne D. Miksa, UNT assistant
professor of library and information sciences, are currently engaged in a
research project to carry out a systematic examination of MARC content
designation. The findings from this research will be of significant use and
benefit to the library and other metadata communities, by providing
empirically based information to those involved with MARC maintenance and
its evolution, and those developing metadata or other schemas for
bibliographic data.

Moen earned a master's degree in library and information science from
Louisiana State University in 1988, and a doctoral degree in information
transfer from Syracuse University in 1998. 

He will accept the award at the LITA President's Program on June 26 (Sunday)
at the 2005 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

Roddy Wolper
Director of News and Information
Division of University Relations, Communications and Marketing
(940) 565-2943
rwolper at unt.edu

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