[Asis-l] 2005 Margaret McKinley Memorial Student Scholarship Essay Competition

SuHui Ho SuHui at library.ucsd.edu
Wed Feb 23 19:03:03 EST 2005

LACASIS Los Angeles Chapter of ASIST announces the

2005 Margaret McKinley Memorial
Student Scholarship Essay Competition

The Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (LACASIS) is sponsoring the Fourteenth Annual Student 
Scholarship Essay Competition. This Competition, first established in 1992, 
and renamed in memory of the late Margaret McKinley in 1993, is intended to 
encourage students in Librarianship and Information Science Programs to 
consider the benefits of participation in the activities of professional 

AWARD: The winner will receive reimbursement funding up to US $1,000 for 
registration, airfare, and hotel expenses to attend the ASIST 2005 Annual 
Meeting, "Sparking Synergies: Bringing Research and Practice Together @ 
ASIST '05" and a one-year membership in ASIST. Two runners-up will receive 
one-year memberships in ASIST.

ELIGIBILITY: All students enrolled in Library and Information Science 
Programs (LIS), including those graduating in spring 2005 at universities 
within the areas represented by the Los Angles Chapter of ASIST (Hawaii, 
California, Australia, and New Zealand) are eligible to enter.

Students enrolled in graduate programs (at universities within the areas 
represented by the Los Angles Chapter of ASIST) not identified as LIS 
programs may be eligible.  Interested students in non-LIS programs must 
include in the essay submission (in addition to other essay requirements 
below), a statement explaining how the program mission relates to ASIST and 
how ASIST membership and conference attendance would be beneficial.

Membership in ASIST is not required to enter the Competition.

TO ENTER: Compose an essay that addresses the following:
*	What specific benefits do I expect to derive from attending the ASIST 
2005 Annual meeting?
*	How will I integrate these benefits into the start of my new career?
*	How might LACASIS or ASIST benefit from you receiving this scholarship?

For details about the theme of the ASIST 2005 Annual meeting, visit the 
ASIST website http://www.asis.org/ 

Essays should not exceed 500 words or two typed, double spaced pages.  Do 
not identify yourself or your school on the essay.  Submit the essay with a 
separate cover sheet listing your name, address, email, telephone number, 
and school by the deadline of May 31, 2005.  Essays may be submitted by 
postal mail, email, or fax to:

Aura Lippincott
UCLA Anderson School
Rosenfeld Library
110 Westwood Plaza, Suite E202
Box 951460
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1460
Email: alippinc at library.ucla.edu 
Fax: 1-310-825-6632

A panel of LACASIS members will judge the essays.  Winners will be notified by July 31, 2005.

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