[Asis-l] MW2005 Regular Registration Ends Feb. 15, 2005

J. Trant jtrant at archimuse.com
Thu Feb 10 15:34:39 EST 2005

	Museums and the Web 2005
	Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
	April 13 - April 16, 2005

Join hundreds of your professional colleagues from around the world
for the international conference devoted to culture and heritage
on-line: the ninth annual Museums and the Web.

** Regular Registration Ends February 15, 2005 **

Don't miss a chance for a discounted registration fee.  Register 
on-line and make the
February 15 2005 payment deadline for Regular Registration for MW2005.

** Full Demonstration Schedule Available **

See museum sites shown by the people who created them. The Demo Hall
is always a popular place to catch up on what's happening on-line and to ask
questions. The full list of sites and demonstrators is now available.

** Can't Make it? Get the Book **
Selected Papers from Museums and the Web 2005 will be published in a
print volume, accompanied by all papers on CD-ROM. Order your copy

Past papers from all MW conferences -- since 1997 --  are also 
available in print
or online: see http://www.archimuse.com/conferences/speakers_list.html  or

search the AMI site at
http://www.archimuse.com/search.html for keyword access to all papers.

** Join Us! **
Each year, MW is largest international gathering of cultural and heritage web
designers, developers and users. Plan to join us at what M2004 attendees
called "a superlative conference" ... "most inspiring, most 
effective, most creative".

We hope to see you in Vancouver.

jennifer and David

J. Trant				jtrant at archimuse.com
Partner & Principal Consultant		phone: +1 416 691 2516
Archives & Museum Informatics	fax: +1 416 352 6025
158 Lee Ave, Toronto
Ontario M4E 2P3 Canada		http://www.archimuse.com

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