[Asis-l] (Fwd) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

S.Webber S.Webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Sun Feb 6 15:09:08 EST 2005

Just received this. Find it sort of depressing that this large work 
with international range of authors, entitled "Encyclopedia of 
Information Science and Technology" has (as far as I can see) little 
input from what I would call "Information Scientists" - and, indeed, 
doesn't cover aspects of Information Science that well....
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Date sent:      	Fri, 4 Feb 2005 16:37:00 -0500
From:           	"Reference @ Idea Group Inc." <reference at cplx.net>
To:             	<s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk>
Subject:        	Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

Dear Shelia,

Idea Group Reference is pleased to announce the release of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology.

The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology is the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia consisting of contributions from over 900 noted researchers in over 50 countries. This five-volume encyclopedia includes more than 550 articles highlighting current concepts, issues and 
emerging technologies. These articles are enhanced by special attention that is paid to over 4,500 technical and managerial terms. These terms will each have a 5-50 word description that allow the users of this extensive research source to learn the language and terminology of the field. In 
addition, these volumes offer a thorough reference section with over 11,500 sources of information that can be accessed by scholars, students, and researchers in the field of information science and technology. To see a complete list of contributors please visit http://www.idea-
group.com/encyclopedia/details.asp?ID=4455&v=contributors and for the table of contents, please visit http://www.idea-group.com/encyclopedia/details.asp?ID=4455&v=tableOfContents 

I am confident that your students and faculty can greatly benefit from this comprehensive publication. With the purchase of a print copy, libraries receive free online access for the life of the edition. You can also purchase just the online version for 20% off the print price.

This encyclopedia is available now from Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA at http://www.idea-group.com/encyclopedia/details.asp?ID=4455 or 717-533-8845 ext. 10.

3807 pages, Copyright 2005
ISBN: 1-59140-553-X h/c
Retail Price: US$1125.00 h/c
Pre-pub Price: US$950.00 (expires 3/1/2005)
Online-only version for libraries: US $900.00 
Online-only Pre-Pub Price: US$760.00

Best Regards,
Dorsey Howard

For additional information about this publication please contact:
Dorsey Howard
Marketing Assistant
Idea Group Inc. 
701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Suite 200 
Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA 
Tel: 717/533-8845 ext. 38
Fax: 717/533-7115 
E-mail: dhoward at idea-group.com

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Sheila Webber, Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street, Sheff
ield S1 4DP, UK.
Email s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Tel. (0044) 0114 222 2641
Fax 0114 278 0300
The Information Literacy Weblog: http://ciquest.shef.ac.uk/infolit/

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