[Asis-l] M2K (Music-to-Knowledge) North American Workshop

J. Stephen Downie jdownie at uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 29 13:10:35 EDT 2005

M2K (Music-to-Knowledge) North American Workshop

Friday, 3 June 2005 - Saturday, 4 June 2005

Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Workshop Goals:
This two-day workshop is designed to bring together the International
Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory (IMIRSEL) M2K
(Music-to-Knowledge) development team with select Music Information
Retrieval (MIR)/Music Digital Library (MDL) researchers/students from
North American countries (though all others are welcomed to join us)
with three major goals in mind:

    1. to demonstrate and train participants in the use of M2K as a
rapid prototyping system and to provide instruction on how to use M2K as
both a general development environment and as the submission mechanism
for the upcoming MIREX contests;

    2. to allow key researchers and their students to provide feedback
to the IMIRSEL M2K developers to correct and enhance the M2K system; and,

    3. to allow the assembled participants to draw up an M2K
module/functionality “wishlist” with the outcome that participants take
on specific development responsibilities of new modules/functionalities
(i.e., distribute development and assistance across the community in the
open-source tradition). NOTA BENE: M2K, in its current Alpha
configuration, is predominantly an audio-based toolset: I would like to
STRONGLY encourage the participation of researchers and students who
have expertise in symbol-based and metadata-based approaches to MIR/MDL

IMIRSEL URL: http://www.music-ir.org/evaluation/
M2K URL: http://music-ir.org/evaluation/m2k
MIREX URL: http://www.music-ir.org/mirexwiki/

Workshop Size:
Due to space limitations, we expect the workshop size will be limited to
45 participants.

Please see workshop website for latest information.

Registration Costs:
This workshop has NO registration fee.

Computing Resources
Participants should bring there own laptops, ideally with M2K installed.
We should have wireless access guest accounts set up for participants,
so please bring a wireless card if want to have access to the Internet,
swap files, etc. We might have some limited ethernet (hardwire) access
too but no guarantees at this point.

Application Procedure:
Please fill out the online application form at:

Possible Participant Subsidies:
There is a small pot of support money available for helping those North
American participants with limited resources. Prof. J. Stephen Downie
will be administering support funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
and a special National Science Foundation M2K workshop grant. Subsidies
will be re-imbursed after the workshop to the agreed-upon amount after
submission of receipts to the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. NOTA BENE: For larger labs, I would appreciate it very
much if participants from larger labs attempt to do a bit of
pre-co-ordination of applications, especially if subsidies are being
requested (see below). A brief email to J. Stephen Downie from the lab
leader would be greatly appreciated as I try to distribute my funds in
the best manner possible. Select participants will be subsidized to
attend according the following heuristic:

    1. Demonstration of need (i.e., unavailability of/limitations to
funds from local sources)
    2. Participation of home lab in active development and evaluation
work (e.g., plan to participate in MIREX 2005; have been active in M2K
discussions and development, etc.)
    3. Broadening the representation of the research labs (i.e.,
distributing funds in such a way as to maximize the number of labs
represented (this is done in the spirit that at as many labs as possible
can have at least one member who can in turn pass on their M2K knowledge
to their lab))

    "Research funding makes the world a better place"
J. Stephen Downie, PhD
Assistant Professor,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science; and,
Center Affliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[Vox](217) 351-5037 [Voicemail] (217) 265-5018
M2K Project Home: http://music-ir.org/evaluation/m2k

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