[Asis-l] CFP Extended: International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Image, Video, and Audio Retrieval/ Mining

Abby Goodrum AAGoodru at syr.edu
Tue Jun 1 12:30:48 EDT 2004

The Universite de Sherbrooke and CoRIMedia are holding an International Workshop on Image, Video, and Audio Retrieval and Mining on October 25-26, 2004 at the Universite de Sherbrooke (Quebec, Canada).  

This workshop is slightly different by its multidisciplinary vision of image, video, and audio indexing, retrieval, and mining.  Topics include data acquisition, low-level feature extraction, high level information representation, metadata, user modeling, retrieval and indexing methodologies, storage, transmission, browsing, visualisation, information filtering, cultural features and intellectual property rights issues. The ultimate goal is to publish the accepted papers as a book.

The Call For Papers for this workshop has been extended to June 28th.   Information about the workshop and instructions for submitting your manuscript are available at:   http://www.corimedia.org/workshop2004/

If you would like to receive workshop updates via email, please send a blank email to Chantal.Ouimette at USherbrooke.ca with «subscribe» as the subject. 

Abby A. Goodrum
Assistant Professor,
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
4-193 Center for Science & Technology
Syracuse, New York 13244-4100

Work # 315-443-5602
Cell # 315-383-9674
aagoodru at syr.edu

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