February 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Feb 2 08:36:32 EST 2004
Ending: Thu Feb 26 12:00:48 EST 2004
Messages: 53
- [Asis-l] 15th SIG-CR workshop
Mikel Breitenstein
- [Asis-l] 3 Day Course in Document Imaging and Document Management: Spring 2004, Early Summer 2004, Late Summer 2004
Steve Gilheany
- [Asis-l] [ais_hci] JAIS to publish special theme on HCI in MIS
Ping Zhang
- [Asis-l] [Sigia-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: ASIS&T PNC Annual Meeting
Melissa Riesland
- [Asis-l] [Sigia-l] CFP: CITSA 2004 Workshop on Virtual Databases
ppich at vsnl.net
- [Asis-l] AMCIS04 HCI Track: Deadline 2/22/2004
Ping Zhang
- [Asis-l] AoIR 200R conference deadline extended
Michel J. Menou
- [Asis-l] ASIS&T and SLA Workshop on April 30, 2004
Patricia Furney
- [Asis-l] [Sigia-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: ASIS&T PNC Annual Meeting
Melissa Riesland
- [Asis-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: Deadline: February 9, 2004
Olga Francois
- [Asis-l] Call for proposals-ALAO 30th Annual Conference
Anne Fields
- [Asis-l] [Sigia-l] CFP: CITSA 2004 Workshop on Virtual Databases
ppich at vsnl.net
- [Asis-l] CFP: HICSS Information and Communication Technologies in support of Knowledge Management
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Asis-l] CFP: Music Information Retrieval. ISMIR 2004. Barcelona (Spain), October 10-14, 2004
Michael Fingerhut
- [Asis-l] CfP: Sustainability and Community Technology: What Does this Mean for Community Informatics, Prato Italy 29 Sept-1 Oct 2004
Michel J. Menou
- [Asis-l] CSCW 2004 Paper Submission Deadline Approaching!
Reddy, Madhu
- [Asis-l] Database of Virtual Art - now public
Pete Otis
- [Asis-l] DC-2004 Call For Papers
- [Asis-l] Dean's Position at Florida State University
John Bertot
- [Asis-l] DigiCULT Thematic Issue 5 - Now Available - Virtual Communities and Collaboration in the Heritage Sector
Digicult Forum
- [Asis-l] erpaWorkshop Antwerpen - announcement
Dutch.editor at erpanet.org
- [Asis-l] erpaWorkshop Antwerpen - announcement
British Editor
- [Asis-l] File Formats for Preservation: ERPANET Training Seminar, Vienna, 10-11 May 2004
Dutch.editor at erpanet.org
- [Asis-l] FSU faculty position closed
Michelle Kazmer
- [Asis-l] FW: [Dlib-subscribers] The February 2004 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available
Richard Hill
- [Asis-l] FW: First Monday February 2004
Richard Hill
- [Asis-l] FW: Our loss: Tom Galvin
Richard Hill
- [Asis-l] FW: SIS invites you to its First ISI Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lecture March 31, 2004
Richard Hill
- [Asis-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] FW: [CITASA] Communication and Information Technologies Newsletter
Michel J. Menou
- [Asis-l] Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Istomin VS "Mapping the output of topica l searches in the Web of knowledge and the case of Watson-Crick" INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES 22 (4): 183-187 DEC 2003
Garfield, Eugene
- [Asis-l] HCIL Spring Seminar Series Information
Kollet, Sharmon
- [Asis-l] HICSS-38, January 3-6, 2005
Barbara Kwasnik
- [Asis-l] Indiana University Names SLIS Dean
Debora Shaw
- [Asis-l] Information Session for Master of Science in Information Management (MSIM) program
Lindsay Boswell
- [Asis-l] Interesting community technology and networking conference
Michel J. Menou
- [Asis-l] ITIE2004: Call for Conference Participation and Contribution
Geoffrey Z. Liu
- [Asis-l] Join the 2004 UNC SILS Mentoring Celebration
Andy Ingham
- [Asis-l] Knowledge Services Manager - Houston TX USA
Mandy.Baldridge at infocurrent.com
- [Asis-l] LIDA 2004 Conference and Course Announcement
marija dalbello
- [Asis-l] Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Olga Francois
- [Asis-l] MW2004: Regular Registration Ends Feb. 15, 2004
J. Trant
- [Asis-l] NEASIST Student Travel Awards for ASIST '04 in Providence, RI
beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
- [Asis-l] New issue of What's New @ IEEE for Libraries
j.platt at ieee.org
- [Asis-l] NORASIST program will be cosponsored by IEEE Cleveland Section
Penny O'Connor
- [Asis-l] Position Openings
Amy Hoover
- [Asis-l] Preservation Education Symposium--April 12, 2004
Erin L. Dini
- [Asis-l] Program Reminder: Washington DC, February 10th
Nichole McNeely
Richard Hill
- [Asis-l] Research Specialist, Boston MA, USA
Mandy.Baldridge at infocurrent.com
- [Asis-l] SOASIST & COSLA present KM program; Dayton, Ohio; March 18,2004
Ashton, Rosemary (LNG-DAY)
- [Asis-l] Usability Workshop
Richard Hill
- [Asis-l] Vacancy - Head, Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Tennessee Libraries
- [Asis-l] Vacancy - Reference Librarian for Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Tennessee Libraries
- [Asis-l] Workshop: Linux in Libraries
Margaret L. Delaney
- [Asis-l] Workshop: Measuring Web Search Effectiveness: The User Perspective
Richard Hill
Last message date:
Thu Feb 26 12:00:48 EST 2004
Archived on: Tue Dec 6 20:55:06 EST 2011
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