[Asis-l] New Issue of Library Trends Available

GSLIS Publications Office puboff at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
Fri Dec 3 12:42:32 EST 2004

Now available from the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library
and Information Science Publications Office:

Library Trends, 53(1), Summer 2004
"Organizational Development and Leadership" edited by Keith Russell and
Denise Stephens

Single copies are $28, including postage. Subscription rates for the
quarterly are: Institutional, $105 per volume ($112 for international
subscribers); Individual, $75 per volume ($82 for international
subscribers); and Student, $30 per volume ($37 for international
subscribers). ISSN 0024-2594 Order single copies or subscriptions from the
University of Illinois Press, Journals Department, 1325 S. Oak Street,
Champaign, IL 61820; 1-866-244-0626; fax: 217-244-9910; e-mail:
journals at uillinois.edu.

development (OD) philosophy, processes, and tools on a regular basis.
Consequently, we have developed this issue of Library Trends to provide an
overview of organizational development as it is practiced in libraries,
and to explore leadership development within the OD context. This issue
covers a wide range of topics and draws on the literature of many
disciplines. It is meant to serve as a resource for every person who
believes that libraries can be improved in many ways, including how they
acquire, organize, manage, and provide access to information; assess the
needs of customers and provide appropriate services; manage human and
financial resources; plan for the future; fulfill their mission; develop
leadership skills in the staff; and initiate and manage change.

---From the Introduction by Keith Russell and Denise Stephens

Articles and Authors Include:

"The Significance of Organizational Development in Academic Research
Libraries," Karen Holloway

"Innovation and Strategy: Risk and Choice in Shaping User-Centered
Libraries," Kathryn J. Deiss

"Organizational Cultures of Libraries as a Strategic Resource," Michelle
L. Kaarst-Brown, Scott Nicholson, Gisela M. von Dran, 
and Jeffrey M. Stanton

"Transitioning to the Learning Organization," Joan Giesecke and Beth

"The System Design Approach to Organizational Development: The University
of Arizona Model," Shelley E. Phipps

"Developing a Team Management Structure in a Public Library," Betsy A.

"From Measurement to Management: Using Data Wisely for Planning and
Decision-Making," Steve Hiller and James Self

"Organization and Staff Renewal Using Assessment," Gail V. Oltmanns

"Redesigning Library Human Resources: Integrating Human Resources
Management and Organizational Development," Pat Hawthorne

"Learning to Lead: An Analysis of Current Training Programs for Library
Leadership," Florence M. Mason and Louella V. Wetherbee

"The Promise of Appreciative Inquiry in Library Organizations," Maureen

"Facilitative Leadership: One Approach to Empowering Staff and Other
Stakeholders," Thomas L. Moore

"Organizational Development, Leadership, Change, and the Future of
Libraries," Denise Stephens and Keith Russell

The Publications Office
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street
Champaign, IL 61820-6211

(217) 333-1359 phone, (217) 244-7329 FAX
puboff at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu

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