[Asis-l] FACULTY OPENING: Applicants for Computational Linguistics positions

Allyson Carlyle acarlyle at u.washington.edu
Wed Dec 1 16:44:38 EST 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: Emily M. Bender [mailto:ebender at u.washington.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 9:39 AM
To: ebender at u.washington.edu

Subject: Applicants for compling positions

We are presently in the process of searching for the two new faculty
members who will round out our program.
We have received 24 applications so far, including some very promising
candidates.  We of course interested in the  best possible applicant
pool we can get, and so would like to ask you to encourage any people
you think would be good matches to apply for the position.  The job ad
can be found here:


Many thanks,
Emily, for the search committee

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